Chapter 1- Gaining the miraculous

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[Scene setting, a normal day in Paris, blue sky, not a cloud in sight. Smg3 was just waking up for a new semester at school]

As smg3 fell out of bed and ran around his room, he felt a sense of dread. He knew that going to school would be a mistake, especially if his bully of 3 years, Waluigi. He sighed as he grabbed his bag and ran out of his room downstairs to the main coffee shop. He looked to his loving parents, Toad, and the old man. He kissed before their cheeks before wishing them farewell.

He ran to school, stopping at the stop lights. He watched as an old man took a risk crossing the street. He felt a case of panic as he looked left and right to people on their phones, not paying attention.

He watched as a car rapidly approached. In a moment of adrenaline, he ran out to the old man, grabbing his arm and quickly helping him cross to the other side. The old man smiled at him.

20 minutes later, smg3 didn't know how, but he somehow let the old man talk him into coming back to his house so he could reward him for his kindness. Smg3 looked around. The decor was strange, but he didn't question it. The old man walked over to smg3 with a box.

"For your kindness, I give you these earrings," smg3 felt a bit disappointed but took the earrings. He could maybe sell them for a bit of cash. "They are quite priceless." There goes his ideas. "Who even are you?" Smg3 questioned. "Master Egadd," he bowed to smg3, looking up to see smg3 gone.

Smg3 rushed to school. He was already running behind and only had about 10 minutes before he'd be late. He ran into the school building and over to his friends. "Hi... guys," he panted out, "smg3?! Are you okay?!" Tari questioned, concerned for her out of breath friend. "Yeah, dude, running from waluigi? If so, I'll kick her butt-" He quickly cut Belle off, "no, no! I just woke up late." He stood up straight.

Waluigi and Wario walked into class before the rest, a new boy following behind them. "Who was that?" Smg3 questioned, kinda repulsed by the random guy, mostly because he was walking with waluigi.  "Oh, that's just smg4, the famous model, surprised you've never heard of him before 3 since yknow, you seem to like dumb guys," Belle chuckled and lightly punched smg3s arm.

"Yeah, yeah," he rubbed his arm. "Let's just head to class." Smg3 chuckled and walked to class with his friends behind him, all chuckling and laughing as they all went to their seats, "wait!" A voice called out too late, smg3 had sat straight in gum. He looked to who yelled and glared at them. It was the new boy, smg4, who looked petrified, smg3 glared at him before moving seats. He sat down beside Belle. They both talked about what his issue was while Waluigi and Wario laughed at smg3s misfortune.

After school, Smg3 sat in his room, working on homework as he remembered the earrings, he pulled the box out his bag and took the earrings out, staring at them, "What a lame gift. They don't even have anything on them!" He complained before thinking, "however... they do make great studs. " he put the earrings in, and within a flash, everything went black.

He woke up with a sore head, and he groaned at the pain. "Are you okay?" Someone asked, "Yeah, I'm fine-" He looked for where the voice came from, blinking when he saw no one. ". . .maybe I'm not okay, " he rubbed his head. A small red bug floated down to his fave and examined him. He blinked at the thing in front of him before screaming.

"Smg3? Is everything okay?" Toad called out, "Uh.. yeah! Everything's fine!" He was panicked at the thing in front of him. "Wh- what are you?" He asked the floating bug thing, "I'm tikki! Your kwami!" She chimed out. "Wha...huh?"

"....I'm here to make you a hero!, just yell tikki spots on - " she was cut off, "wait wait wait! I can't be a hero! That's impossible! I'm too clumsy to be a hero!" Tikki stared at him before getting in his face, "you are ladybug, you saved Master Egadd, and that means you are a hero smg3!", "I never told you my name!!" He took the earrings off and looked.

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