This story is based on a real long-distance relationship, between two strangers who lived thousands of kilometers apart, but who loved each other as if they had known each other their whole lives. Separated by kilometers but so united that it felt a...
Outside his house, he could feel the autumn chill of April, the leaves fallingin his yard, the wind blowing strong, but inside he was busy, always with thecomputer or the phone, trying to dedicate time to his online business, but alsoto play. Since he had done so poorly in his last year at university, he decidedto take a break to motivate himself again. He hadn't decided if it was good forhim to continue studying online since he couldn't concentrate with the noise ofthe house, the daily interruptions from his family. He created his ownadvertising, whether on social media or platforms, crafted new posts to attractcustomers, and then played around and waited for them to contact him to makesales. Meanwhile, he took advantage and played, realizing that playing was as fun asbefore, something he had missed a lot in recent years. However, he was verylimited in what to do within the game; he spent his time killing the same 2bosses over and over again. After so many kills, he had become an expert onthem, or so he thought. He noticed he was gathering a good amount of money,which might not be real, but through his friends, he realized there was anoption to sell it for real money. He didn't really think about it unless it wasabsolutely necessary, but the idea lingered in his mind. He absolutely wantedto buy that blue party hat he had dreamed of having for 10 years. He evenconsidered buying it with real money, but its value was over 4000 USD, a veryhigh price for a pixel, which he couldn't really afford. However, he was clearthat one day he would buy it by saving money within the game. He spent his days in the game killing the same bosses and occasionally helpingaround the house with some chores, or some extra temporary job that might comeup, but in his free time, if anyone, whoever it was, he said, whether man,woman, or Martian, if he could, he would help them, and so it was..
Player1- can someone help me kill a boss?
Leo: Come on, I'll help you. Can you give me 5 minutes?
Player1- sure, thanks :3
That player spoke like a girl, had a girl's name, but was actually a man, so you had to be careful when talking to him, but his trick was very clever, he did it on purpose so that the men in the game would give him things, quite clever actually, I don't know why I never thought of it, Leo thought. It's true, his self-love for being the pro guy in the game didn't allow him to look even a bit gay, or so he said. After helping him, it became a habit to take at least 1 hour a day to help others who asked for help. He had only been in the clan for 3 days when suddenly...
Player "ana"- Can someone help me with this boss?
Leo- mm sure, give me 2 minutes and I'll finish something
Player "ana"- give thanks, I'll be waiting for you =)
For some reason, Ana seemed interesting to Leo, maybe because she also helped others and he thought she was a good person for that, not everyone helped even though they could really do it. When they arrived at the boss together, Ana was surprised. The first time she saw Leo, she realized he wasn't as much of a rookie as he claimed to be. It was obvious he wasn't, but she also didn't expect him to seem so experienced. Leo practically did all the damage possible, and Ana just accompanied him. They didn't last even 15 minutes before they finished what Ana needed to kill. As was customary for Leo, to everyone he helped he would say, if you want, add me in case you need more help later.
Leo - add me if you want more help
Ana- It's fine, thanks, keep the drops for helping me.
Leo- no, it's fine, keep them all.
Ana- :3 thank you.
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