Chapter 3 Baby to Toddler

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Orko and Dree Elle loved their little son Eddym very much. He has grown some and wasn't looking so tiny anymore. Orko and Dree Elle were happy to see him grow so much. "He is growing like a weed," Adam said looking at Eddym.

"He sure is," Orko said holding her.

In this early winter morning Eddym was crying. Orko and Dree Elle came into the nursery. "Come here sweetie," Dree Elle said picking him up. She noticed something. "Orko do his ears look kind of flushed?" She asked.

"Yes they do," Orko said. Then he placed his hand on Eddym's concealed forehead. "He feels hot," he said. "This is new, he's never been sick before," he said.

"Will take his temperature," Dree Elle said.

"I will get one of healers," Orko said.

"It's going to be okay sweetheart," Dree Elle said cuddling him.

Orko found Horio and brought him to the nursery. Dree Elle had just finished taking Eddym's temperature. "Horio he has a fever of 100.4," Dree Elle said. "I am really worried," she said.

Horio took a look at Kymaya. He couldn't find what much else was wrong except the fever. "Looks like just a fever, and no other symptoms," Horio said. "This sometimes happens to babies," he said. "Just give him fluids and do a cold compress to keep him temperature down," he said.

"Okay," Orko said.

Orko and Dree Elle did so and were checking to make sure Eddym was doing okay.

"You have been checking on Eddym often, is everything okay?" Marlena asked.

"Eddym is running a fever," Orko answered. "he's never had a fever before and we are doing what the healer says, we are just worried about him," he said.

"Oh his first fever," Marlena said. "I can understand why you are checking on him," she said. "Sorry to hear he is sick," she said.

"I was just about to check on him," Orko said. He picked her up and gave her bottle full of milk that Dree Elle had pumped. Eddym sucked on it tiredly. "I know you don't feel well, it's okay," he said in a gentle voice. Eddym drank what he could and let go. Then he went back to sleep. He was watching him carefully.

"He seems to be doing okay," Marlena said who had been watching.

"Poor little thing is so tired," Orko said. "he is normally more energetic than this and I know it is because he is sick," he said.

Orko and Dree Elle were checking up on him still. Then Orko took Eddym's temperature later that night after it had been sometime after being nursed. "Dree Elle, look," Orko said looking at the thermometer. "Eddym's temperature is back to normal," he said. "We got him through his first fever," he said.

"What a relief," Dree Elle said. "I was so worried," she said.

Soon it was April and it was a very big day on the 6th it was Eddym's first birthday. "Happy first birthday Eddym," Dree Elle said.

"Happy birthday sweetie," Orko said.

"Happy birthday Eddym," everyone said.

Eddym giggled and proceeded to stuff his cake into his mouth which was hidden by the shade spell of his hood. The cake got on his clothes. "Awe!" Marlena said. "That sure is cute," she said.

"That is precious," Man at arms said. "Reminds me of Teela on her first birthday," he said.

"Dad don't," Teela said blushing.

"Come little fella let's get you cleaned up," Orko said picking him up a bit later.

A few days later Eddym had learned how to stand up and was floating in place. Orko and Dree Elle were wondering when he would learn how to float.

Eddym was crawling around at the moment. Dree Elle was busy straightening up the room. Eddym saw her and then got up in standing position. Dree Elle saw him and saw Eddym make his way towards him. Dree Elle was excited and then got down and opened her arms. Eddym floated right to her. "Oh my little boy can float!" Dree Elle said.

Then Orko came in. "Go to daddy," Dree Elle told Eddym. Then Eddym started to float towards him. Orko got excited and opened his arms after he got down for him to do so. Then he caught him.

"My son can float now," Orko said.

Eddym was still growing a lot. Time was passing by quickly. More quickly than anyone would've thought it seemed.

Now Eddym was a playful little toddler. "Mommy," Eddym said pulling on Dree Elle's dress.

"Hello sweetie," Dree Elle said. "How are you my little dear?" she asked picking him up. Eddym giggled and waved his arms at his mother. He was so happy to be with his mother.

"I'm home," Orko said coming in. "Hello how are my lovely wife and wonderful son doing?" he asked.

"We are doing fine," Dree Elle said. "How are things going?" she asked.

"Things are going fine," Orko said. "Everything learning more from Azron's spirit, talking to the other ringbearers and learning how to be the best Oracle I can be in my own way when the time does come is pretty interesting," he said.

"I bet it is," Dree Elle said.

"Daddy," Eddym said.

"Hello son," Orko said and kissed his forehead. "I am so glad to be home," he said.

Eddym was growing very playful and curious. Eddym was 1 and half years old. He still needed his crib. He was soon going to turn two years old. He was very active and playful child. He was becoming a very active and curious child. He still depended on his parents a lot but not as often.

Orko and Dree Elle were wondering how many children they were going to have they didn't know their family was going to grow again soon.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 hours ago ⏰

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