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I wake up like everyday and do my morning routine I change into an all black outfit then make my way into angelas room I whisper softly " honey it's time to wake up" she opens her eyes and says " morning mommy" I get her dressed and ready for daycare then knock on Jeremy's door " it's time to wake up baby" I get a reply almost instantly " I'm up mom I'll be down in a sec" i hear noise in jennas room indicating she's awake.I go downstairs and make pancakes and fruit for everyone I give a plate to Angela and as I'm eating mine Jenna and Jeremy come downstairs jennas running around mumbling how she's late so I hand her a brown bag and travel mug " here aunt j I made yours to go you have lunch in a different compartment and you have 15 minutes to get to your meeting." She looks at me shocked and takes the bag from me " w-wow how did you know? Thank you."  " you told me about it last night now go." I laugh she leaves and I turn to Jeremy doing the dishes " morning baby did you sleep okay?" I say to Jeremy " morning mom yeah I slept good are you still giving me a ride to school." " yes I have to get Caroline and Bonnie too." Before Jeremy can reply Elena comes storming downstairs oh god" What the hell rosaline why didn't you wake me up!" "It's not my job and you said you don't need me anymore. Come on Jeremy it's time to leave." I pick up Angela and her stuff  taking  her to the car Jeremy following as we block out Elena screaming behind us. ( she has a seven seater) I put Angela in her car seat and hop in the car going to Bonnie's house I beep the horn and just seconds later she's running out kissing and saying goodbye to her grams getting in the car " hey Rosie, Jeremy and little Angela" " hey bon Bon" we all say as I make my way to Caroline's and do the same thing but she's out the door way faster than Bonnie locking it behind her running to the car. " hey Rosie, Jeremy Bon and little angel" we laugh and say " hey care" I drive to school and my car is surrounded by my friends " hey Rosie" Vicki, matt and Tyler say " hey guys" I get out the car along with the others and hug them " I missed you guys so much but you have class now" bye Rosie see you later," they shout " bye guys". I'm about to get in my car when I feel eyes on me I look behind me and see a guy in a leather jacket and forest green eyes staring at me across the field I wave and smile even though I know he's a vampire I felt kind of safe. He nods and goes into the school I get into my car and take Angela daycare then go to work.
I'm working behind the bar today and a guy I haven't seen before comes and sits down " hey beautiful. Bourbon on the rocks." ( I don't know anything about bars) " coming right up" I pour his drink hand it to him " $4.60" he downs the drink and puts $100 on the counter I pick it up and go to say it's too much but he's gone vampire I think how did I miss him.
Ive clocked out and I go to my car getting in and going to Angela's day care I see her coming out with her teacher I roll my window down "hey baby did you enjoy today?" She gets into the car replying "yes mommy I did a family drawing." " oh how wonderful baby." The teacher says goodbye and leaves looking at my different kind of disgusted? Weird I start the car again going back to the grill and I get a table I look up hearing the door opening and see Caroline, Jeremy, Bonnie,Matt,Tyler and the guy from the field Caroline and Jeremy's faces light up seeing me and Angela they run over hugging us as the others laugh they come over " oh right Rosie this is Stefan salvatore he's new he lives In the Salvatore boarding house" "hi" we say and shake hands I feel a spark as we touch and try not to gasp knowing he's my soulmate I can hear my wolf yelling at me " mate".
He sits down next to me "she yours?" I look at Angela and Caroline colouring together " yes Angela, Angela Jenna Gilbert Jeremy's not mine biologically I adopted him." He looks at me " wow that's cool is the uh the dad still in the picture?" I almost laugh " uh, no he was a one night stand I'm lucky though I got my baby out of it." He looks at me with a  caring look in his eyes our moment is interrupted when Elena storms over " How dare you leave me at the house this morning Rosaline you're such a bitch!" " Elena you told me you don't want me taking care of you so I didn't plus you can drive and you have mom and dad's old car back now." She scoffs then sees Stefan she give him a flirtatious look " Hey I haven't seen you around before" touch his hand I think of different ways I can handle things and decide to stay quiet. " Yeah I just moved here" taking Elena hand off his she scowls " Well when you're done with my who're of a sister come see me and I'll show you a real good time maybe we could even be something more" she winks going back to her "friends" I groan " sorry about that she's uhm spoiled" " hey it's okay" we turn back to our friends Jeremy speaks up " hey mom I'm tired can we go" I look at the time 5pm omg how did time go by so fast " yeah sure baby" we all get I and I turn to Stefan " hey I can give you a ride home if you want" " oh yeah if you have room" " yeah of course" Vicki suddenly comes up to us " hey Rosie can I have a ride " " yep" we all go out to the car Tyler goes to his car with Matt and we wave and get in,me in the drivers seat Stefan in passenger Angela behind him Caroline and Bonnie next to her and Jeremy and Vicki in the back I dropped everyone off then make my way to stefans. I park outside and turn to him " hey say hi to Zack for me" " you know Zack?" "Yep" I look back seeing Angela and Jeremy minding their business " I get vervain from him" I whisper " you know?" He talks quietly I nod and hand him a piece of paper " these are people I want safe if you attack any then I will stake you" " I drink animal blood so that won't be a problem" " take it just in case anyway" he nods and goes inside. I drive off and we all go in the house I hear Elena in her bedroom having sex with someone gross I put Angela's head phones on her and put something on the tv to block her out and I made dinner and did the dishes putting Angela in her angel onesie ( from lilo and stitch) i kiss her on the forehead goodnight and go into Jeremy's room hes drawing wow " be in bed by 10 babe ok?" " ok mom" i go to jennas room and see she's passed out i laugh quietly and take a picture I go to my room and shut my eyes letting darkness come over me.
I wake up in bed next to Stefan and the mystery man from the grill Stefan wakes up " hey darling" he kisses me " hey" I whisper as I feel the arms on me tighten I giggle quietly I look over exposing my neck to Stefan he leans down kissing my neck when I feel something sharp dig into my neck as well as my thigh I gasp but not in pain. In pleasure?
I shoot up with a gasp and see a crow outside my window I brush it off and lay back down going into a dreamless sleep.

Stefan pov:
I'm writing in my diary when I hear a noise a crow? I turn around and see my brothers smirking face. Shit  "Hello Brother" " Crows a bit much don't you think?"  " eh I know why you're here Stefan Elena right she's a dead ringer of Katherine"
" I'm not bothered about her anymore" he looks a bit shocked " what?" " yeah I met my soulmate or mate." " hm. Me too." " and you're still hooked up on Katherine?" " what no I wanted to free her but the bitch can stay there now."hm he must already be hooked on her " what's your mates name then?" " rosaline or Rosie as her friends call her very pretty works at the grill." What the fuck " No Damon you're wrong she's my mate we touched and felt sparks!" " hm your thing must be off then no way am i sharing her with you." " I'm not happy about it either but we have no choice." He groans " I'm going to my room tell Zack I'm here would you?"

And that's the pilot very long I'm probably going to skip season one and go to masquerade and give info about what's happened between. I want to make this a bit short I don't think I'll go into the originals I'm not that good with it and don't really want to re watch it again as it will take me ages I might get her pregnant with klaus' baby. I'm thinking for more relationships
Jenna x mikael or Jenna x Alaric?
Jeremy x Tyler or Jeremy x Tyler x Vicki?
I'm thinking of doing Bonnie x Caroline I don't know who to do with Matt I might keep him single, make someone up or pair him up with Caroline and Bonnie

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