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Rosie and Angela's outfits up top Before I start I want to tell you everything about season 1 well how I wanted it to happened so, Elena tried stealing both salvatores like everyday, Stefan and Damon fixed their relationship and agreed to share Ro...

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Rosie and Angela's outfits up top
Before I start I want to tell you everything about season 1 well how I wanted it to happened so, Elena tried stealing both salvatores like everyday, Stefan and Damon fixed their relationship and agreed to share Rosie,Stefan has almost full control he just needs Rosie with him or to feed from Rosie. Vicki has full control and matt is okay with all the supernatural. Caroline and Bonnie are together. I won't change that maybe adding Matt idk I feel like he might ruin it. Tyler already broke his curse he accidentally killed his dad in a fight. No one knows but Rosie and the group, carol thinks he left her and ran away. Rosie has her own house now she made daylight rings and sold them to slater,rose,Trevor and other vampires. She lives with Caroline Bonnie Jeremy Jenna and Angela. Elena had a breakdown about the family falling apart and said Angela was her daughter and said Rosie was a bad mom everyone saw so we all packed up and left her to be on her own she still follows them around and shows up at the Salvatore house uninvited but she doesn't know where Rosie live thank god, she's met Katherine and surprisingly she's actually helping us she loves Angela and takes her shopping a lot.Now everything's okay, well until one night.

"Wake up angel it's the masquerade tonight." She opens her eyes and jumps up "I can wear my pretty dress?" " Yes you can baby" I help her get into her dress and go to Jeremy's room knocking on the door. "Wake up baby breakfast in 20 minutes!" " Ok mom!" I go around all the bedrooms saying the same thing then go downstairs to the kitchen and make bacon,eggs,sausage and some pancakes with fruit and Nutella for angel. I hear tons of foot steps coming downstairs "morning Rosie!" I laugh "morning guys".

After I finish eating I take everyone's plates and wash them I put Angela in the living room and go change into jeans and a white top and black heels, I come back down and turn to Angela "Hey baby want to go see Stefan and Damon?"
" Daddy and dada!" " yep they miss you." She runs and puts her shoes on and grabs her little bag by the door with stuff for a nap and some toys.
" anyone want to come?" Jeremy stands up saying "yeah I wanna see my dads."
I laugh " Okay be in the car in 5." I say goodbye to everyone and get me and Angela into the car, Jeremy comes running out and gets in and I drive off the the Salvatore house.

I walk into the Salvatore house with Jeremy behind me and Angela runs straight to the living room to play with her Barbie house Damon got her shouting " We're here daddy's". We sit down right as Stefan and Damon speed in Jeremy's head on my lap he lifts it up "Hey dads" " hey kids" they say Damon goes and sits next to me with some bourbon and Stefan sits down on the floor with Angela getting her Barbie's out. " Thank you daddy" "it's okay baby" I look at the time 12pm hm I'm lucky I have my dress here I stand up "I'm going to get ready I'll be down soon, Jeremy make sure you put your suit on." " I will mom". I go upstairs and get ready looking at the time 1:30. Wow guess taking pictures took longer than I thought, I go downstairs and see everyone in suits and Angela is on Damon's chest sleeping. I go up to them and play with Angela's hair putting my head on Damon's shoulder falling asleep.

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