Chapter 34

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It was almost time for dinner by the time Namjoon returned home. After freshening up and paying the pups a visit, he asked for his dinner to be sent to his room with an excuse of headache, not feeling like facing his father anytime soon. Seokjin was worried about him but he convinced the omega to attend the dinner, needing some time alone. He was sure that his father really was the culprit and that Jungkook was not lying about anything, but he didn't know where to go from there.

Every proof against his father was circumstantial, not concrete. Even after being the interim pack alpha, he couldn't just make his father stand for trial without any solid proof, at least not without causing a civil war in the pack. The worst part was that he knew even his uncle wouldn't believe it so easily even if Jungkook tried to tell him too, something the other alpha was also aware of already. He had to think of something else, and he had to think fast.

Namjoon wanted to ask for forgiveness from Jungkook, but somehow he couldn't even figure out how to approach him normally anymore. Not only did the other alpha go through hell and beyond because of him, but he also didn't believe Jungkook and accused him of lying about everything. He couldn't remember when he felt so disappointed in himself in his life before. He halfheartedly ate a little before standing up and he started pacing. He could only apologise after fixing as much as possible, his empty words wouldn't help Jungkook in any way, and he wanted to let him know how sincere he was about his apology.

This time, it was Jungkook himself who opened the door when Namjoon arrived with Seokjin that night. To Namjoon's surprise, Taehyung was also there, and he jumped up seeing him but then relaxed. Namjoon was not at all surprised that Taehyung had decided to trust Jungkook without any second thought. There was no one on earth Taehyung would ever put before Jungkook anyway, especially since getting him back after so long. Namjoon walked ahead with hesitant steps and then took a seat when Jimin gestured at him with a warm smile.

"It's okay if I stay here, right?", Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, of course", Namjoon replied.

"So?", Jungkook asked arching a brow, when Jimin subtly squeezed his hand, as if stopping him from prodding Namjoon.

"I- I went to visit the attacker at the hospital today. And also had a meeting with abeoji last evening", Namjoon swallowed, the words feeling heavy on his tongue as they came out of his mouth, "You were telling the truth, I'm sure now".

Jungkook kept silent and Namjoon took it as a cue to continue, "I know I should be apologising for not believing you at first but- I hope you understand my situation was not that simple. I couldn't just trust your words blindly-", Namjoon started blabbering nervously, something that was very rare for him. He was supposed to be asking for forgiveness but the words seemed to get stuck in his throat.

"I get it, I don't expect you to fall to my feet and cry your heart out or something. You have always been emotionally constipated, good to see that didn't change", Jungkook remarked annoyingly, cutting off his train of thought.

Taehyung ended up snorting, earning himself a fleeting glare from Namjoon before it got directed to Jungkook instead, "And you're still an annoying prick", he hissed out.

Jungkook chuckled in response, "It's a good thing that not everything has changed, isn't it?"

Namjoon just rolled his eyes, he understood what Jungkook was trying to do very well. The younger alpha knew how bad he was with words and was just giving him a way out of apologising to him, and Namjoon felt both thankful and embarrassed.

"You have to know that I don't blame you for whatever happened, I never did", Jungkook said in a serious tone, and Namjoon's scent soured.

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