Chapter 2 Re-sold?

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I rested my head against the wall I had 6 scratch marks on the wall but now I had lost track.
The supposed boss man had came and visited us and just stared a few times before leaving each time having a new slut at his side who had rubbed themselves against him begging for him or her to be touched or fucked.
Zuko's wounds had healed up and he sat beside me we would talk and when gaurds came by we'd stop.
"Hey Zuko"
"Hmm?" His eyes turned to look at me
"Lets play a game"
He raised a eyebrow
"We ask each other quetions back and forth 1 question each"
"Sure you first" I thought on it
"How'd you get that scar"?
He stiffened
He got up
"None of your business"
He began pacing and it looked as if he was looking for something.
We heard foot steps and voice's.
"R-really what's with the early visit you dont come until fall time"
Zuko stropped his search and layed on the bottom bed and I took the top.
This had been taken as a habit.
The footsteps stopped at the first cell 14 ahead of ours.
We were Cell 15.
We listened and soon I heard light snoring now they were at 13 or 14 or maybe it was 12 but Zuko had fallen asleep.
I stared at the bottom of his matress above me.
I wonder what Smellerbee and Longshot were doing. Probably better off than me.
I got out of bed and stared at Zuko he was actually quite adorable sleeping.
Eyes closed, breathing relaxed but muscles still tense.
I layed back down.
Soon the footsteps reached our cell and stopped.
"Hmmmm how many are in this one? I only see 1"
"2 sir"
A voice rang out
"Hah sir my ass"
I watched as Zuko got up and stretched along with his shirt sliding up considerably-
No wait STOP Jet you are both guys think of katara think of katara think of katara
"Hmm a bit feisty that one"
"Y-yessir weve had a bit of trouble with that one just ask the Captain"
"Well I like the one's that bite, h-"
"Sorry Chang but he-no they are mine"
"What are you doing here Zing" to identical males confronted each other twins I suppose
"I've already signed the paper's to bad so sad"
That opened the gate and dragged us out
"C'mon" before blinding us and pushing us into some form of transportation.
This'll be interesting
This was one of the longest ride in history as I noticed Zuko kept squirming for some reason why did he have to pee or something?
When they finally took our taking off our blind folds I saw why the guy who had bought us had his hands all over Zuko touching and messing.
He whispered something in his ear and floated out the other.
" You look so cute when your flustered" I wanted to sock this man right here and now.
No one calls my Zuko- WAIT!! I'm not gay we'll he is attractive with his silky midnight hair and soft milky hair that goes in perfect mixture with his hair and his fiery hazel eyes and that- NOPE!! stop get back on topic.

The pedofile stopped touching Zuko and they dragged us and showed us to our rooms and our jobs.
If our outfits couldn't get anymore slutty.
It was basically a shirt that went down to our knees, and we'd only wear nothing under it no underwear or anything.
We were maids and had to clean with the other boy he'd so generously bought.
We got 1 piece of bread each day as food and 2 sips of water.
I sighed as we both changed.
I peeked and saw scars littered Zuko's back I bet it was worse up front.
Zuko rubbed his arm shyly and nervously as we awaited our orders.
As we were shown the mansion once and I had to remember everything.
After the windows were done and a whole lot of others chores were done they came by with food.
They put out there hand ot hand our bread to us but took it back.
"Slave tradition the newbies dont get food until the next week" they gave our food to some older guys and Zuko stepped foward to retrieve our food but I blocked him.
It was easy to see he had a temper. He looked at my arm that was across his chest stopping him and finally sighed and stepped back apparently thinking better of it.
We finally walked back to our chambers and rested.
The next day they finally allowed us to wear pants but no shirts.
Zuko had to work outside in the garden all day while I cleaned the inside and found some sickening things.
The owner of this mansion loved playing dominant and submissive with his pets.
He's married and has 2 sons who know what he does and are fine with it.
That was just plane gross.
I heard some ostrich bird things
(Dont know what they're called lol)
And a carrige roll up.
I looked out the window just like every other slave.
Even the ones outside stopped to stare but Zuko didn't care, he gave a glance but then went back to work.
2 tall boys walked out about 17-18 both had dark hair skin and Brown eyes but their personalitys were different 1 would joke around and teased while the other was just plain perverted.
I scoffed and went back to work.
I heard a BOOM! And went back to the window in a attempt to trip Zuko the perverted one almost got burned by I steaming Zuko.
All of the sudden he just started screaming profanities at him.
This is just a sample
"What the fuck!?? Why the fuck are you trying to trip me?
Im workin mindin my own motherfucking business and you come and ruin it well heres a message for you shut the fuck up you stupid little hoe and well be find ok? So go mind your own damn motherfuckin business"!!
The guy looked suprised and finally Zuko calmed down so gave a small smile and walked away.
Okay so note to self dont get on his bad side when he's moody.

Heyyy guys Im SOOOOO srry I havnt uploaded in FOREVER!! Its almost been a month.
Ive just have had writers block sometimes but then I finally dreamt litterally of this lol

Ima update 1 more time and if things go horrible I'll delete it if things go awesome ill continue it.
Im trying 2 go 4

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