Chapter 3 Escape

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Zuko POV
I HATE THIS PLACE AND THE PEOPLE!! (maybe Jets a exception)
Ughhh whats up with this place and perverts? There friggin everywhere!.

I was finishing up with moving the pots when alllll of the sudden I get tripped and they caught me in one of my worst moods.
I screamed profanities at him them walked away.

I could tell I was being watched and my scars were being stared at.
I heard footsteps and I was stopped when a hand curled around my waist.
"What the FUCK! lemme go"!!!

Whoever the were nibbled my earlobe.
"Sorry but you shouldn't tease me like that"


"I'll call you Ignis my sweet".
I shoved that person off and glared at them.
I recognized the guy that had tripped me.
"What do you want"?
I laced venom all throughout my words.
He leaned in close and whispered
"You" then walked away.
I began moving the pots once more and finally, FINALLY I finished and was walking back to my cell.

I was stopped as they were doing a front check

"Zuko the master has called for you"
I felt my stomach flip as a gaurd grabbed me by the neck and push me towards his room

"Zuko"!! I saw Jet running towards me but fell to the ground as earth bending shackles covered his arms and feet.
He squirmed and a hand was put to his mouth.


The gaurd pushed me 2x harder and opened the door, shoved me in, then walked back out along with locking it.

"Ahhh Zuko I heard you were put in a bad mood today"

"Not really" I crossed my arms

"Oh? But my minions say otherwise- so did my son" I froze at the sickly sweet voice

"Oh? Were you not in a bad mood when you screamed profanities at me Ignis? Dear"

I gulped 'shit'

"Thats considered a crime Zu-no Ignis"

"Dont call me that"!!

"Another crime on your list Ignis"

"Thats 2 now think of what would happen to that little friend of yours whats his name? Ah Jet"?

"Leave him alone"

"Alright on 1 condition you pay the price for your crimes and we'll leave him alone"

I let out a sigh

"Fine" I mumbled

The 'master' left and I was stuck with his sons.

The grabbed me and forced me into a kneeling position with my arms spread out and my knees spread out.
They took some vibrating think and put it under me
(Ik they prob. Didnt have those but oh well imagine)

They whipped me and everytime I sagged down little the vibrating thing would touch my ass and I'd shoot right back up.

The whip marks crossed my old gashes causing them to reopen as well.

This happened for 6 days and when the debt was finally put off I was happy.
I got up off the bed when I was pulled back down

"Where you goin Ignis"?

"My debt is payed off"

"Oh no I had no intention of letting you go in the first place" my eyes widened as he grinned.

I cried over and over and after 1 month I was loosing hope.
Jet, where are you?


"DAMN" I slammed my fist down
It'd been 1 month and I hadn't seen Zuko.
Me and some others had already had a escape plan and it'd go into motion in 2 days.

I was ripping my hair out.
I'd seen the masters sons around laughing at something.

I figured they had something to do with Zuko's disappearance.

Zuko POV
I stared at the wall thinking.
I saw the blue mask and swords and was forming a plan.
I'd given up on Jet, I would save myself.

It'd been 2 days and no sign of Zuko and now were leaving.

I felt a pain in my stomach as we snuck through the hole we created.

The alarms went off and a yelling went about.

"Tahoene is dead! He was murdered"

We watched from our spot as everyone was running about.

I saw a shadow.

A figure in all black with a blue & white mask and 2 swords.

"-" I was stopped from saying anything else by Ankara.
Who pulled me back and dragged me as we left.

Zuko POV
I killed him, I did it, I'm free
I ran through the forest like a shadow.
Jet had escaped, I saw him, but even if I hadn't killed Tahoene he would've left without me.

I stopped but became alert at rustling noises.

Earth jumped from the ground and I jumped into a tree and crouched.

It hurt, knowing he left without sparing me a second glance.

I tried to stay awake but soon fell asleep, no longer tense to the noise around me.

2 Years Later
I ran up the narrow walkway hoping to get the rogue and get my money and go.

I jumped back as debris and rocks came tumbling down and broke the spot I once was.

I ran foward again but was blocked by a mass of black.
They cut me and flipped off my body causing me to go tumbling back.
That figure from 2 years ago stood infront of me, his posture stiff and in a fighting pose.
I brought out my swords and charged him he deflected them and went for my stomach but I used my hook sword and went to tip him over when he kicked out.
My hook sword caught hold of his clothing and caused a gash, he thrusted his sword foward and missed my stomach by a inch when i jumped just in time.
There was a explosion and he looked up and in through all the dust disapeared.
I coughed and jumped into the lake below me.
I swam to shore and saw blood drops no sooner than I followed them I found a spot where blood stained the grass, but after that nothing remained, no tracks, no footprints, not even a smell.
I touched some of the blood and it was wet.
Who is this person?

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