Chapter 4 Blood Shed

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Zuko POV
I cleaned up my gash as I sat in the tree.
Scars littered my body from the hard 2 years I had to go through.
So much blood had been shed just for survival.
I still remembered where the first drop had been spilt.

2 Years Ago
I felt earth intrap me and I woke up.
A girl with black hair and green and brown clothing stood before me.
She was blind and wore no shoes.
A girl, & 2 boys came through the bushes with their eyes narrowed.
I scannd over them looking for any signs that they were a threat to me.

Okay, one was a airbender, earth bender & a water bender the other was nothing dangerous.

They attacked with word and I defended myself.

One by one, I used all of my pent up rage before killing them off.
First the watertribe boy, then the water-bender next the earthbender until I left the airbender at deaths door.

I sped off not going to look back.

I had learned not to trust and I'll be fine.
Who knew that 2 years later I meet the man who made me like this.

I had felt a rush of pain in my now cold heart that I hadn't felt in awhile.
Matter of fact I hadn't felt anything in a long time.
Numbness. Was the 1st thing and fear.
Fear, haunting my dreams as I slept of how lucky I was to leave before could do any more damage.
Jet probably had forgotten about me already and moved on to someone else.
But I would make him remeber, just like I had remebered every torturing moment of waiting for him then in my dreams.

Weird things began happening around places I searched for jobs.
Twice a dead carcass with 2 sharp knives in the stomach was dropped at my feet.
Both were males and were nobels.
They were drained of blood and on a wall in his place I was staying would be

I ignored it and continued on my jobs until I finally was able to confront the culprit.

I ducked as another bomb was shot at me.
Dust formed where it had caused a ruckus and through the dust was a black figure.

In seconds my person was dead and at my feet.
I coughed as the smoke finished clearing out.

The black figure stood there staring.
I glared and grabbed onto my hooked swords ready for a fight.

"Who are you?"
I questioned
He just stared
"What do you want?"
I dont know how long we stared at each other, but all I know is that just before he disapeared we had signed a promise, a promise to destroy each other.

It was small, and didn't seem to be big but it was a promise.



chapters may b short or long depending on the week so srry ^^

Srry for the long waits as well ^^

Plz forgive me.

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