Chapter 16

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The low hum of engines disappeared into the night as the last of the Russian shipment was secured. Aslan stood motionless at the docks, his mind elsewhere. The job was done perfectly, just as he had expected. But tonight, his focus wasn't on business.

Adam approached, lighting a cigarette. "Everything's clear, Aslan. Massimo will be pleased with how smoothly it all went."

Aslan nodded briefly but remained silent. His thoughts were consumed by Sahar, the woman who had captured his attention in ways no one else had. Ever since that night in the club, she had unknowingly become the center of his focus, even as he kept his distance.

"I'll see you tomorrow for the island meeting," Aslan said abruptly, turning on his heel to leave before Adam could respond.

"Where are you going. You can't just leave like that.....what about the meeting...." Adam's voice started fading in the background.

He had something personal to take care of first. Something that didn't fit in the cold, violent world he was used to—but something he couldn't resist doing.

It was late by the time Aslan reached Sahar's apartment building. The neighborhood was quiet, the streetlights casting a soft glow. He parked his car discreetly and walked toward her building, a bouquet of white roses in his hand. They felt oddly out of place in his grasp, but they reminded him of her—pure, untouched by the darkness of his life.

With ease, Aslan unlocked her apartment door, stepping inside as silently as a shadow. The warm air greeted him, and he was immediately enveloped by the comforting scent of vanilla. He paused in the entrance, his sharp eyes scanning the space. The apartment was small, neat, and filled with little touches of Sahar's personality. A life so different from his own.

The living room was cozy, with soft lighting and an organized shelf of books. A family photo caught his attention, and he moved closer to examine it. Sahar, standing beside her parents, smiling brightly in what appeared to be a memory from her time in Pakistan. That smile—it was the reason he couldn't keep her out of his thoughts. She radiated light in a way that felt foreign to him.

After a moment, Aslan set the frame back down and moved through the apartment, feeling a strange pull to explore her world. He stepped into her bedroom, his presence almost too large for the space. The room was simple but personal—a few framed photos on the walls, a small plant by the window, and a journal resting on her bedside table. He didn't touch it, respecting the privacy of something so intimate.

Instead, he placed the bouquet of white roses on her bed, their petals soft and delicate. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to imagine what it would be like to be a part of this world, to live in this peace. But he knew it wasn't possible—not for him.

In the kitchen, he placed the note he had prepared on the counter, beside a small vase. He hesitated for a second, reading over the words he had carefully written:

"Prenditi cura di te mia cara"

He stared at the words for a moment, feeling the weight of them. It was the closest he had come to expressing his feelings—a man of war and violence, offering a glimpse of his soul through a note.

Aslan took one last look around the apartment, absorbing the warmth of Sahar's world. This was a place of peace, far removed from the chaos he lived in. He could never be a part of it, but he would always be watching from the shadows, ensuring she remained safe.

He left the apartment as quietly as he had entered, leaving behind no trace of his presence except for the roses and the note. The night embraced him once more as he slipped into the darkness, the weight of the upcoming island meeting already creeping back into his thoughts. But tonight, for just a moment, he had allowed himself to be someone else—a man capable of love, if only in secret.

As Aslan drove back into the heart of the city, the image of Sahar lingered in his mind. Tomorrow, he would face the meeting with Massimo and the hidden forces behind the organization. But tonight, all he could think about was the white roses and the hope that she would understand his message when she found it.

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