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Mia groaned as her alarm blared through the small hotel room, piercing through the few hours of sleep she'd managed to get. She fumbled for her phone under her pillow, squinting at the screen that read 7:00 AM in big bold numbers. Great.

She had exactly thirty minutes to get ready before she had to leave for the studio, where she and her seniors were working as background assistants for the next few days.

Rolling out of bed, she yawned and stretched her arms, already regretting the late-night group chat she got sucked into. It started as a quick "goodnight"but somehow turned into a full-blown conversation about which fictional character they'd fight at 2 AM. Typical. Now, here she was, feeling like a zombie and trying to remember if she packed everything for the day.

"Ugh, I can't live like this," Mia mumbled to herself, dragging her tired body to the bathroom. The mirror didn't do her any favors this morning. "Panda eyes are definitely in style, right?" she asked, half hoping her reflection would answer back with something positive. Splashing water on her face, she shook off the sleepiness, hoping her seniors wouldn't notice how exhausted she looked.

By the time she was dressed in her uniform, bag packed with all the essentials (read: lip balm, snacks, and her favorite hot chocolate drink ), she felt slightly more human. The uniform was casual enough, but she added a few personal touches—a set of tiny star earrings and her favorite scrunchie tied around her wrist—small things to make her feel more like herself in the sea of matching outfits.

Her two seniors, were waiting for her outside bathroom, already looking like they were ready to take on the world . Mia eyed them suspiciously.

"Do you guys even sleep? Or are you secretly robots?" she teased as she zipped up her bag.

"I run on coffee and vibes, babe," she winked, shaking a takeaway coffee cup at her. She was the type to always have one in hand no matter what time of day it was, and Mia couldn't figure out how she wasn't vibrating with caffeine energy 24/7.

Her male senior, who was scrolling through his phone and sipping his own coffee, raised an eyebrow. "Nah, I'm more of a 'power-nap in the van' kinda person. You should try it sometime, Mia. It'll change your life."

Mia chuckled, knowing she could never sleep in moving vehicles. "If I tried to nap in the van, I'd probably wake up with drool all over my face and a meme in the group chat about it."

"That's exactly why you need to do it," her senior smirked.

The three of them headed down the hallway, their footsteps echoing softly. Mia pulled out her phone to check the directions for the day, scrolling through the group chat one more time to make sure they hadn't added any last-minute details. As she walked, she absentmindedly fidgeted with her scrunchie, a nervous habit she picked up whenever she was feeling a little out of it.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah, just thinking about how weird today's gonna be. I mean, we're working in the background, but what if we mess something up and end up doing something?" Mia chewed her lip.

"Relax, it's  our first time but worst-case scenario, we get famous by accident." He grinned. "Just don't trip over anything, and you're golden."

"Pfft, no promises," Mia joked back, though the nerves still hummed under her skin. It was her first time doing something like this in other country, and the thought of messing up lingered in the back of her mind. But she pushed it away. No time for anxiety, not today.

When they finally stepped outside, the cool morning breeze hit Mia's face, waking her up even more. The city was just coming alive, with people rushing around, their own mornings unfolding in their usual chaos. It was both calming and energizing at the same time, and Mia took a deep breath, letting it ground her.

As they hopped into the van waiting to take them to the studio, they shot her a mischievous grin. "So, you ready to become a background legend?"

Mia laughed, shaking her head. "Legend? Nah. But if we're lucky, maybe we'll get a funny story out of today."

With that, they set off, the day ahead full of unknowns, but Mia couldn't help the small spark of excitement growing inside her. Maybe it wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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