2 - Snakes and Cages

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The castle was, quite frankly, enamouring. The air buzzed with a residual magic that she could feel warming her soul. It was a happy, contented magic laced with the excitement of a new school year. Compared to the darkened magic of her upbringing, it was entrancing; Goldie felt as though she could lose herself within its trenches. Students filed into the Great Hall with chatters of anticipation and excitement, asking each other questions ranging from topics such as dinner to end-of-year exams, the latter usually prompting a disdainful response.

Monique led her through into the Hall, where she brought her to a table not covered in a coloured banner. With a brief apology, the other girl ran off to a table clothed in yellow. Hufflepuff, Goldie supposed. The ceiling of the hall was enchanted to appear like the night sky, illuminated by floating candles that were forever burning.

At the top end of the hall, a large table lined the wall, adults she assumed were the professors sitting in designated spots. They ranged in appearances drastically; a mixture of races, varying shapes and sizes, obviously different personalities. A few teachers in particular caught her eye.

The headmaster was the first; an older man - unbeknownst to her, named Dippet - with a whitened beard, sitting with a regal air as he observed the excited students taking their seats.

A professor on his right side was the second; a man with an unnerving twinkle in his stormy eyes, his hair and beard speckled with white hairs. His eyes were focused on a group of people Goldie could not see, though they seemed to be sitting at the table decorated in green.

Before she could dwell on it, her undecorated table began to fill with first years. Some were shivering with anxiety, in contrast to the ones practically jumping with excitement. One or two were soaked to the bone; when she shot them a questioning look, one child whispered with a giggle, "They fell off the boat."

As she resisted a laugh, not wanting to seem rude to the fresh first years, a stool was positioned at the top of the hall. A professor stepped forward and lifted an old, tattered hat, which then began to sing about itself. The 'Sorting Hat', it called itself. It took Goldie off guard, not that she could think about it for long. The shaking first years were making her reciprocate their nerves, causing her to rub her dampening palms on her skirt.

"Are you new?" A girl on the smaller side whispered to her. She was short, her hair as black as night, bunching in wide curls around her shoulders. Striking blue eyes peered up into Goldie's grey ones, framed with dark eyelashes. "Vincent told me only first years have no house yet."

Goldie blinked in surprise, glancing over at the long, decorated tables. She felt extremely out of place already, feeling curious eyes on her form from everywhere.

A particular few felt unnerving.



"Vincent?" She eventually spoke, trying to clear out the unease that was settling within her.

"My big brother." The girl nodded excitedly, baring perfect teeth in an eager grin. "I'm Cressida Lestrange. Vincent calls me Cassie."

Goldie smiled warmly at the younger girl, finding her sweet. Goldie knew the surname; she had heard it the odd time in passing as she went from family to family. A Pureblooded family.

Before she could respond, the Sorting Hat finished its song. The headmaster gave a curt nod to the professor holding the battered hat, who then began to call names from a scroll.

The first name called was a boy who approached the top of the hall tentatively, sitting down on the stool with fidgeting hands. The professor placed the hat on his head, an after a moment, the hat declared "Hufflepuff!" as a chorus of applause rang from the yellow table.

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