3 - Eyes and Ears

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Once dinner had ended, students began to file out of the Great Hall. Goldie shifted anxiously in her seat, unsure of what to do. The first years had been shown out by their house prefect to prevent them getting lost, but it seemed they had forgotten about Goldie. She was definitely going to get severely lost if she tried to find Slytherin on her own, but she was unsure of what other option she had.

After a few minutes of sitting in place, a shadow fell over her from behind. She felt the magic roll over her first; the boy radiated it with a strength that was unnerving. It was as though it was engulfing her own magic, making her feel disconnected and troubled. Nervously, she turned on her seat to face him.

Up close, he was much different. She could see his dark curls clearly defined, brushed mostly to one side. Dark syrup-brown eyes brimming with sharp intelligence were forcing their way into hers with an intensity that brought alarm bells with it, though she brushed them aside as a side effect of anxiety for now. His jaw, angled and strong, shifted slightly as he chewed on the inside of his cheek in thought. Tall, but not muscular, Goldie could tell that he was malnourished. She chose not to dwell on the thought.

"Hello." He spoke up after a moment, never letting his eyes stray from hers. "Miss McCulain, isn't it?"

Goldie plastered a smile onto her face, attempting to remain friendly. "Yes. And you are?"

"Tom Riddle." He responded, a flicker of something she did not recognise showing itself in his eyes at her question. "Head Boy."

Goldie got to her feet, feeling uncomfortable with him towering over her. He was still taller, but it was tolerable. Somehow, she knew he was attempting to read her; analyse her body language and the thoughts she expressed.

"It's nice to meet you." She smiled, clasping her hands behind her back.

"Do you need help getting to the common room?" He questioned, taking steps around to stand on her other side. She instinctively swivelled around on her feet to stay facing him.

When she nodded, he turned on his feet and began to walk. She followed behind him at a distance. He brought her out of the Great Hall and through the majestic corridors of Hogwarts. The ceilings were tall and decorated with high arches, reminding her of something she could not place in her memory, but felt present somewhere in her mind.

"You said you were homeschooled." Riddle spoke up after a stretch of silence, only glancing back at her for a second. "Yet you also said you never met your mother."

Goldie internally cursed at the obvious slip in her words. She technically was homeschooled, but not in the way most people assumed. It had mostly been her adoptive parents before they had been arrested, and then her 'foster' families from then on had taught her with an emphasis on defence magic. But to be figured out so early – not even past the first day – was no short of terrifying.

"I was in care." She responded plainly, trying to hide the fact she was being secretive. From the look in his eyes, it was a fruitless attempt. Needing to escape the topic, especially as she knew the Ministry still wanted her, she changed the subject to him. "Is Riddle a Pureblood name?"

His posture twitched ever so slightly. Goldie had to applaud him; his ability to conceal his emotions was fantastic. He did not turn to meet her eye as he responded, "No."

She had an intense urge to push for elaboration. Yet she knew it was likely a bad idea; either it was a touchy subject, or he did not want her in particular to know. She suspected it was both.

The two continued to walk in silence as they reached the Grand Staircase. Goldie stood with her jaw slacked as she admired the huge room; the staircases, carved into intricate forms, floated and moved as they pleased. Portraits covered every inch of the four walls, all the way to the top of the chamber. Students did their best to cross the ever-changing layout, a few clearly agitated by the unwilling changes to their planned routes.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Riddle drawled from just in front of her. He did not seem particularly impressed, despite his words; but there was a miniscule trace of fondness laced into his tone. Goldie suspected he did not realise it was there.

"Very." She agreed, stepping forward to stand by his side. He shifted away. "Does it always move like that?"

"Yes." Was all he said, not offering her any elaboration as he began to walk. He climbed the nearest set of stairs, and Goldie hurried behind him.

When Riddle walked, he did so with a confidence she could only describe as graceful. For such a seemingly average boy, something about him told her to question it. He appeared sure of everything he did; his piercing gaze on her in the Great Hall, his choice to offer help, his mannerisms... It unnerved her, and she could not place why. He was still just a boy.

As they reached the top of the staircase, he hardly even looked around before stepping on another. Goldie followed closely, constantly aware of the risk of the stairs moving beneath them. However, as they crossed the Grand Staircase, it did not happen once. It awed her; how everyone else was currently struggling, and he appeared completely unbothered.

"Do you have your timetable?" Riddle questioned her, breaking her from her thoughts. He had stopped at the end of the staircase, with his umber eyes fixed on her expectantly.

Wincing, she realised it was likely a repeated question, and that she had completely ignored him. She forced out her answer, "No. Not yet."

"Speak to Professor Slughorn." Was his only response before he turned and descended more stairs into an open hall.

Goldie made a small noise in her throat in response, rushing down the stairs after him. They stepped into the large hall as an owl swooped past, curving up and out of a window. The floor was white marble, decorated with intricate patterns of red. A few huddles of students remained, sitting on benches or walking through halls. The two of them crossed the decorative floor, towards a massive double doorway that seemed taller than her old home. Before they reached it, Riddle turned off into a dimly lit corridor, descending into the cold depths of what she assumed to be the dungeons.

The dungeons were cold. They lacked the surrounding warmth than the rest of the castle had, and she found herself missing it. There were far less moving portraits in the dungeon corridors than there were in the rest of the school, causing the surrounding ambience to drop to a low dripping of water.

"Slytherin is in the dungeons, below the Black Lake." Riddle recited for her benefit, keeping his pace even. He knew exactly where he was going, never faltering when deciding on a turn.

"Under the lake?" Goldie gasped lightly, trying to imagine that. "Surely that's dangerous?"

Riddle released a small sound she identified as a scoff. It took him a minute to respond, "Of course not. Do you really think the headmaster would allow such a risk?"

A burning shame rose in Goldie's chest at his reply. She did not understand why, considering it had been a genuine question on her part, but something about her companion made her feel small. Inferior.

Eventually, he stopped walking in an open area. The floor was built of stone slabs, circular designs etched and painted into them. He remained in silence for an uncomfortable length of time, causing Goldie to shift her weight with increasing discomfort. As his eyes fixed intensely on her, she felt a small prickling where her neck met her head. Brushing it off as anxiety, she broke the silence. "Why are we just standing here?"

Riddle seemed to snap out of his own thoughts at the sound of her voice, adjusting his posture in a silent response. Approaching a blank wall, he spoke only one word, "Rebirth."

A low hiss resounded through the chilled chamber, and a glistening metallic snake rose from the ground. Its body curved upward to the ceiling, its scales shifting in a mesmerizing pattern, revealing a double door decorated with the image of a snake. The large brass body of a snake settled in place, the head out of sight, and the doors swung open.

"This is Slytherin." Riddle stated blandly, almost sounding bored. "The password is Rebirth. Do not forget it or share it outside of your housemates."

Before Goldie could respond, the boy took off into the Slytherin house. Shaking off the unease that had settled within her, she followed, passing through the double doors. As soon as she did, they automatically shut, and she could hear the low hiss of the brass snake returning to its original hiding spot, concealing the entrance to Slytherin.

A small fountain in the entrance greeted her. Clear water glistened under the light of the lamps, the sound of the fall of water creating a gentle ambience. Forcing her attention off of it, she watched Riddle descend a set of spiral stairs without looking back. With a pang of irritation at his behaviour she followed behind, until they emerged into the Slytherin common room.

The walls, adorned with shelves filled with books and portraits falling to sleep, were a gentle palace green, painted with images of branches of trees intertwining with each other. Lightly tinted leaves decorated the branches, enchanted to rustle slightly in a non-existent wind. When she inspected it further, she spotted a few painted snakes hiding within the art. Some of them were coiled beneath cover of painted leaves, and some others were sneakily observing small clusters of students.

The common room itself was furnished with dark leather sofas, typically situated around low tables. Other tables had wooden chairs, clearly ones intended for studying. Extravagant marble fireplaces with gentle fires were scattered across the walls, a few pet cats taking advantage of their warmth.

On one end of the common room, there were three large windows looking into the Black Lake. Kelp flowed gently in the underwater currents, and a few fish swam past every few seconds. Goldie gaped in awe at the blue glow of the water, not noticing the first years excitedly pressed against the glass panes in hopes of spotting a mermaid.

"The stairs on your right lead to your dormitory." Riddle spoke as he gestured to a dimly-lit corridor. "That professor by the fireplace is Slughorn. He will have your timetable."

With that, Riddle turned and strode off. Goldie subtly followed his movements until he sat down in the group she had seen in the Great Hall. When they all brought their eyes to her she stiffened and turned away, the feeling of eyes on her every move a terrifying one.

Trying to block it out, Goldie spun on her heel and marched to the professor. Now on her own, the eyes of the students followed her like snakes hiding in the shadows. She was the new meat in their den, and it was only a matter of time until they began to strike.

Professor Slughorn, a round man with a bubbly demeanor, smiled as he noticed her approach.

"Good evening, my dear!" He greeted, clasping his hands together. "You must be Miss Goldie McCulain! Yes, yes..."

Goldie smiled in response, relieved to meet at least one approachable person. As her conversation with Slughorn began, the preying eyes went back to their friend groups. She released the tension building with a sigh. She did not understand why this kept happening; the build-up of negative emotions. It was something she had never truly experienced so far; being permanently on edge.

Slughorn brought her to his office, where he searched through his papers with low mumbles to himself. Eventually, he stood upright with a mini exclamation, handing her a sheet of paper.

"This is your timetable." He explained, staring at her expectantly with a giddy smile. "The family who hosted you most recently told us which subjects suited you best."

Goldie scanned over her timetable quickly; it features the classes Defense Against The Dark Arts, Alchemy, Potions, Ancient Runes, and Care for Magical Creatures. She failed to resist a fond smile at the sight of Care for Magical Creatures.

"You're already acquainted with young Tom, I take it?" Slughorn questioned eagerly, clasping his hands once again. "Excellent boy, he is. Great influence."

Goldie glanced up, taking note of the professor's positive opinion on Riddle. She responded with a small smile. "Yes, he showed me here. He's clever?"

"Oh, very much so." Slughorn giggled, his eyes fixed on Goldie with such an intensity that she squirmed. "Top of every class, he is."

"What's Alchemy? I've never done it before." Goldie inquired, skimming over her timetable again.

"Er, like Muggle Chemistry, I believe." Slughorn mused, offering a half-hearted shrug. "Make-up of materials, and the like."

Goldie hummed in acknowledgement, letting Slughorn steer her back into the common room. It had emptied now, just one or two students remaining. In one corner, Goldie spotted Ashon Rosier speaking to one of the blonde Slytherins she had seen with Riddle. The two of them shot a simultaneous glance in her direction, automatically giving her the drowning feeling of being spoken about. It gave her anxiety; what were they saying?

"Ashon Rosier and Abraxas Malfoy." Slughorn explained, seeing her gaze. "Great boys, too. Friends with Tom."

"Are they?" She responded absently, forcing her eyes elsewhere to try and save face.

Sensing her discomfort, the professor steered Goldie to the staircase Riddle had mentioned.

"Girls dorms are up there." Slughorn coaxed, taking a step back. "You're in dormitory 13. At the very end of the hall."

Goldie gave him a look of thanks before beginning to climb the stairs, walking along the corridor. The flooring was a metal catwalk, lined with railings carved into the bodies of snakes. There seemed to be a common theme, she thought. Beneath the catwalk was a shallow body of water, trickling softly from miniature fountains along the walls.

Her shoes clacked against the metal grating of the catwalk as she passed by each door. Some were completely silent, but the farther back she went, the more students she could hear from each. Older students stayed up later, she supposed. Eventually, she counted dorm 13. With a deep breath, she knocked on the door, then entered.

The dormitory was clearly designed the same as the common room. The walls had the same living painting – Goldie could see a painted tree python curled around a branch beside the bed she assumed was hers. The beds were four-poster, manufactured from a rich dark spruce wood. The bedsheets glistened as a vibrant Emerald green, the curtains on the bed posts of the same colour. One bed was untouched, other than a trunk at the end with the initials 'GC'. The other was already unmade, belongings strewn around it. In the centre of the room there was a tall chiminea, a small fire lit within it to heat the dormitory.

The door to the bathroom opened and a girl stepped in. Goldie immediately recognised her as the one in the friend group Riddle was in; hair the colour of the sun, hazel eyes. They made eye contact for a moment, irritation flaring in the other girl's eyes, until she quickly concealed it and offered Goldie a smile.

"Hi." She greeted, her words sweet and chirpy. "You must be Goldie, my new roommate."

"Hello." Goldie returned, nodding her head in greeting. The blonde was friends with the group who consistently stared at Goldie in silent judgement. It brought anxiety.

"I'm Lysandra Rowle." She introduced, folding her uniform and placing it on a chair beside her bed.  "Seventh year. I think we have Defense together."

"I'd appreciate if you could show me there in the morning." Goldie chuckled awkwardly, putting on a strained smile.

When Lysandra turned away to organize her belongings, Goldie searched through her own trunk. Although the name was not familiar, Goldie could tell Lysandra was a Pureblood. With refined speech and an air of superiority, it was hard to miss. Even now, the inkling of judgement floated through the room like a concealed virus. Goldie suspected it was going to be difficult to settle.

Grabbing a nightgown from her trunk, Goldie crossed the dormitory, feeling the piercing eyes of the Pureblood following her every move. Even the snakes in the painted walls seemed more timid than before.

As soon as she was safe in the bathroom, she breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The chilling marble of the bathroom, illuminated by the glow of the surrounding Black Lake, brought her a sense of comfort. Even the vicious Grindylows hissing at her from beyond the glass panes felt safer than Slytherin, the house of snakes.

After regaining her composure, Goldie finished her night routine and returned to the dormitory. Deflating in relief at the sight of Rowle already asleep, she clambered into her own bed and pulled the curtains shut, hoping her first proper day in the majestic school would be better.

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