The toxicity

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Anger is a very dangerous thing. If it's not dealt with correctly it can result in many disastrous situations. Unfortunately, this is one of those occasions.

Like a predator hunting their prey, the killer made an elaborate plan to take the life of their next victim. They just had to wait for the perfect moment, as soon as their target was alone and defenceless. Before that though, they had to complete another day at the nursery.

Everyone was back at work as usual, except for Charlotte. She wanted to stay alone in bed. “My love, are you sure you will be okay on your own?” Marjorie asked, she was very worried about her friend.

“Yes of course, I'm brave Marjorie.” Charlotte mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the other woman. Marjorie didn't want to pry but she could tell Charlotte wasn't okay. She decided to just leave as Charlotte wanted because she probably just needed space, she is grieving after all.

Marjorie and Reece both left for work and as soon as Charlotte was alone the weight of the situation hit her. She began to have a panic attack. The brunette didn't want to call for Marjorie and Reece because she felt the need to prove to them that she was strong. She wasn't strong though.

The brunette sat for hours attempting to self soothe, nothing was working. That was until a very dangerous thought crossed her mind and she couldn't stop thinking about it. She tried to resist but eventually she gave up fighting her thoughts.

A quick and sudden relief. A temporary solution that quickly could make a permanent problem.

Marjorie and Reece returned home and noticed a change in Charlotte. She was reluctant to accept Marjorie's embrace. They just assumed that she needed space. They had no idea that the brunette's limbs were now decorated with all of her suffering. Marjorie was a very physically affectionate person so every time she grabbed onto Charlotte she winced in pain. She had to keep a straight face though, they would be so ashamed of her if they knew. She's so strong after all.

The killer's time was finally here. Their target was alone for the evening. They left their home with their choice of weapon gently resting inside of their pocket. They drove to their target’s house, anger bubbling inside them the entire time. This victim was long overdue. The murderer had been waiting for the perfect opportunity for months.

They made sure to park well out of the way so that their target wouldn't hear their car approaching. The killer, now on foot, approached Janice's mansion. They knew she kept a spare key inside a plant pot that leaned against her fence. They retrieved the house key and slowly opened the front door to the mansion.

As they walked inside they made sure to be as quiet as possible, they wanted to catch Janice off guard. They walked through the many rooms and didn't see the dark haired woman anywhere. Just as they began to lose hope, they spotted her.

Janice was brushing her teeth in her en suite bathroom, completely oblivious to the world of pain she was about to endure. The killer was wearing thick gloves, they weren't taking any chances with trace evidence.

The killer pulled out a small syringe from their pocket, they removed the cap and flung it onto the master bedroom carpet. They slowly approached Janice, syringe in hand.

Janice was still brushing her teeth, as she spat out her toothpaste and looked back up into the mirror she saw her worst nightmare looming over her. Before she could react, she was injected. The syringe contained a lethal dose of cyanide.

It only took a matter of seconds before Janice began convulsing on the bathroom floor. She fell to her knees as soon as she was injected.

As Janice was violently shaking in the foetal position laying on her bathroom floor, she looked up into the culprit's eyes. She couldn't understand why they would do this to her.

Janice poisoned the lives of the people around her, so unfortunately that poison followed her into her death.

Looming over their newest target
A lethal dose in their hand
Will Janice's murder make them quit?
No, they have so much more planned

The dark haired woman was shocked
The cyanide coursing through her veins
Clinging onto her chest as she dropped
Janice died experiencing a world of pains

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17 ⏰

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