The sorrow

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Mia was ripped away in an instant. Charlotte will never see her again. They never got a chance to be fully happy together. Charlotte is now all alone, the one person who always understood her is now dead. Someone did this to her. They didn't even consider the effect it would have on Charlotte. They didn't care that she would now be suffering.

Marjorie left Charlotte with Autumn for a moment and walked between each room notifying every staff member about what had just happened. It had only been a matter of hours since Mia was in the rooms with them, this was so incredibly sudden. Everyone was more concerned about Charlotte, the mean redhead's reputation really destroyed people's perception of her.

Two people did feel incredibly sorry for Mia though. Janice and Siobhan had seen how Roger treated her over the years, and as soon as she was able to find freedom someone did this to her. They couldn't help but feel sorry for Mia, she had never been in control. Her entire life was controlled by other people and now her death was too.

Charlotte was distraught, Autumn was trying her best to comfort her without using too much physical affection. She really cared for Charlotte so seeing her like this really broke her heart. “Char, I promise that I won't let anyone hurt you. Just because Mia is gone doesn't mean that you have to keep your feelings to yourself. I will always be here for you.”

Charlotte looked into the taller woman's eyes with so much gratitude, “Thankyou Autumn. That really does mean a lot to me.” Charlotte managed to choke out between sobs.

Forensics had managed to carefully take Mia's body for an autopsy. From Charlotte's account they knew she had died in the explosion but they had to ensure that she was telling the truth.

They also had specialists examine the car and they found that someone had specifically rigged it to explode as soon as the ignition was lit. There was no way Mia would have known about it.

Sara and Vivian sat in their office impatiently waiting for any of their forensic results to come back. Fortunately, Mia's dental records came back very quickly. The body was confirmed to be Amelia Roberts, the mean redhead that everyone knew all too well.

“Charlotte is going to be distraught.” Vivian sighed reading through the results, “I hope that Autumn takes care of her, I saw how she ended up last time that she had nobody.”

“I will talk to Autumn tonight, she invited me over the other day. I will express to her the importance of being a safe space for Charlotte. Winter too, I know he's good friends with her.” Sara smiled, thinking about how caring the pair was.

“What do you mean she invited you around? Are you sleeping with a suspect?” Vivian glared at Sara, very confused.

“Suspect? Please, Autumn hasn't done anything.” Sara snapped at the raven haired woman.

“Everyone involved with Mia is a suspect, Sara. You should know that better than anyone.” Vivian said as she stood up to walk out of the room, “You better consider that before you waltz around with them.”

“Vivian, this is my life. What do you have against me?” Sara asked the woman, curious of her answer.

“Nothing. I just take my job seriously.” Vivian walked out to the room, ignoring anything that Sara would try to reply to her with. She didn't care about her answer.

Vivian was right, anyone could be a suspect. Even the most unexpected people. Nobody particularly liked the redhead, anyone could have been responsible for this. This investigation was about to get even more complicated. The killer had their heart set on a new victim. They were going to stop at nothing to expand their twisted collection.

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