*Chapter 16*

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As Dawn stood on her balcony, the golden glow of Solara's eternal sunset bathed her in a warm, soft light. It had always been a source of comfort for her—a constant reminder of the kingdom's strength, its seemingly unshakable foundation of light. But now, that same light felt distant, like a memory from another time. Her thoughts were consumed by the looming battle with Erythra, the ancient force of chaos that threatened to destroy everything she had ever known.

Lost in thought, Dawn didn't notice the soft flutter of wings until a shadow crossed her peripheral vision. She turned to see a messenger bird, dark as night, land gracefully on the balcony railing. Her heart immediately quickened. Only one person could send such a bird. Without wasting a moment, she took the small scroll tied to the bird's leg and unrolled it, her pulse pounding in her ears as she read Dusk's words:

"The time has come. The shadows are moving. We must meet at the Void's Edge, where the boundary between light and dark is weakest. There, we will face Erythra together."

Dawn's hands trembled slightly as she clutched the letter. The Void's Edge—the place where the balance between Solara and Lunaris, between light and shadow, was said to blur into chaos. It was a place of legends, where the veil between worlds was thinnest, and where, if the ancient texts were to be believed, power beyond imagination resided. It was dangerous, unpredictable, and yet... it was the only place where they had any hope of defeating Erythra.

Her thoughts swirled with the magnitude of what this letter meant. There was no more time for preparation or hesitation. The moment they had feared—and anticipated—was finally here. The fate of both kingdoms would be decided at the Void's Edge. A chill ran down her spine as she considered the enormity of what lay ahead, but she steeled herself. There was no turning back now.

Without a second thought, she rushed inside, her mind already forming a plan. She called for her council, knowing that time was of the essence. The council, a group of Solara's most trusted and experienced advisors, assembled quickly, their faces grim with the knowledge that the final battle was upon them.

"We've received word from Lunaris," Dawn began, her voice steady but filled with urgency. "The time has come. Erythra stirs, and the shadows are moving. Dusk has called for us to meet at the Void's Edge."

A murmur rippled through the room at the mention of the Void's Edge. The council knew of the place only through ancient stories—stories of power, danger, and the thin line between worlds. Some of them exchanged nervous glances, but Dawn's unwavering expression silenced any doubts they might have voiced.

"The Void's Edge?" one of the council members, an elder knight named Sir Arlen, spoke up. "Princess, that place is a perilous realm. The balance between light and dark has always been fragile there. If we are to face Erythra in such a place, it could be..."

"Deadly," Dawn finished for him, her voice calm but firm. "I know, Sir Arlen. But it is the only place where the divide between our kingdoms weakens. It is the only place where Erythra can be confronted directly." She paused, her eyes sweeping over her council. "We've trained for this. We've prepared as best we can. Now, we must trust that it will be enough."

Sir Arlen bowed his head in acknowledgment, though his face remained tense. "Then we will follow your lead, Princess."

Dawn nodded, then turned to the royal guard. "We leave for the Void's Edge at dawn. I want our finest soldiers, our most skilled mages, ready to move. We cannot afford to fail."

The room buzzed with activity as her council members and guards dispersed to make the necessary preparations. Dawn stood for a moment, alone in the chamber, her thoughts racing. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger, not just from Erythra but from the very nature of the Void's Edge itself. The place was said to distort reality, to test those who entered it in ways that no ordinary battlefield ever could. But they had no choice. This was where they would make their stand.

As the night deepened, Dawn took one last walk through the halls of her kingdom, the golden light casting long shadows that seemed to reach out to her. She passed by the grand tapestry of her mother, the late queen, and paused. Her mother had died seeking the truth, uncovering the lies that had been woven into the prophecy for centuries. Now, Dawn would honor her by facing that truth head-on. She touched the edge of the tapestry, a silent promise passing through her.

When morning came, the kingdom was ready. Dawn stood at the gates, her armor gleaming under the eternal light of Solara, her soldiers lined up behind her. They were a formidable force, the pride of the kingdom, but even they could not hide the tension in their eyes. They were marching into the unknown.

With a final look at the palace, Dawn mounted her horse and led her army through the gates. The road to the Void's Edge was long and perilous, winding through the lands that bordered Lunaris and Solara. But Dawn rode with purpose, her heart set on the battle to come. There was no room for fear now—only determination.

As they rode through the fading light of dusk, the landscape began to change. The air grew cooler, the shadows longer, as if the very world itself was holding its breath. Ahead, in the distance, Dawn could see the looming cliffs of the Void's Edge, where the land seemed to disappear into darkness. And beyond that, the unknown.

Somewhere beyond those cliffs, Dusk was preparing his own forces. Somewhere in the shadows, the fate of both kingdoms would be decided.

The time had come.

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