*Chapter 7*

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The creatures continued to circle around them, the circle growing tighter by the second. The glowing eyes of the creatures stayed fixed on Dawn and Dusk like predators studying prey. Instinctively Dawn's grip on her pendant tightened. The light within it, once a constant source of comfort, now seemed fragile, flickering like a dying flame in the overwhelming presence of darkness.

Dusk continued to stand his ground in front of the princess, his sword gleaming in the strange twilight. "Stay behind me," he whispered, his voice low and steady.

Dawn's eyes darted between the shifting forms, her heart pounding in her chest. The shadow creatures moved without sound, their bodies amorphous, swirling like smoke. One of them stepped forward, its for solidifying into something more human-like but still wrapped in darkness. Its eyes gleamed with malice, it hissing before quickly lunging at Dusk.

With lightning reflexes, Dusk parried the creature's attack, his sword slicing through the air. The creature recoiled with a shriek, the edge of Dusk's blade grazing its side, leaving a trail of shimmering light. But the victory was short-lived. The creature dissolved into smoke, reforming a moments later behind him.

"They aren't solid!" Dawn shouted, her voice shaking as she watched Dusk spin to block another attack. Her mind raced, desperately searching for a solution. If these creatures weren't bound by physical form, how could they fight them?

Dusk gritted his teeth, his sword cutting through the shadows again, but it was clear the creatures weren't truly being harmed. He looked to Dawn who was frozen in place, fear running through her. "We need to move," he said, breathless from the constant assault. "We can't fight them like this."

Dawn nodded, though her legs felt frozen in place. The darkness pressed in around them, thick and suffocating. For a brief moment, panic clawed at her chest, and her thoughts grew frantic. Was this it? Was this how the end could come?

But then, in the midst of the chaos, she felt it—a faint warmth pulsing from her pendant. The crystal, still nestled in her palm, seemed to glow brighter, responding to her fear. It was a reminder of who she was, of the power that coursed through her veins, passed down from generations of rulers who had harnessed the light. And suddenly, she knew what she had to do.

Dawn stepped forward, her hands glowing as she focused on the light within her. She raised her arm, her palm facing outward, and closed her eyes, letting the warmth of Solara's magic fill her. A soft, golden light began to emanate from her, cutting through the shadows like a beacon.

The creatures recoiled instantly, their glowing eyes narrowing as they hissed in pain. The light from Dawn's hands expanded, forming a protective barrier around her and Dusk. The shadows flickered and wavered, unable to withstand the intensity of the light.

Dusk glanced back at her, surprise flickering across his face, but there was no time for words. "Go!" he shouted, grabbing her hand and pulling her forward. "We need to get to safety before they regroup."

They sprinted through the forest, Dawn's light guiding their way. The creatures slithered behind them, but they no longer dared come too close, wary of the magic that surrounded her. The air was thick with tension, the ground trembling beneath their feet as if the earth itself was reacting to the presence of such ancient forces.

Dawn's heart raced as they ran, her mind spinning with questions. Where had those creatures come from? How had they crossed the Divide so easily? And most of all, how much time did they have before Erythra itself awakened?

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