Memories Back and Ruined Hair?

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"Louis? Oh my god. What...who..." "Uh....Niall...I-I'm s-s-sorry"

I wake up. What did I just dream about? Me and Niall were fighting, Paul kidnapped me, I was tied to a metal table, I escaped, saw Niall at Nando's. And said sorry to him? Did that all really happen? I wonder. I'll ask the boys.

Niall's POV

We walked down the hall to Louis' room and opened it. There Louis sat, staring out the window. "Louis?" I asked. "Hey NiNi" He said. "Is everything okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, just I can't believe what happened. I mean I was kidnapped after being attacked by a mob of girls. Paul shot me twice and I run into Nando's seeing you" Louis said. "Wait....did you say Paul shot you twice?" Liam asked. "Yeah, He did. He kidnapped me and shot me twice" Louis said. "He told me he was the one who hit Niall, with a metal pole" He continued. "What!? My own bodyguard goes tryin to kill me!?" I shouted. I stormed around until Louis grabbed me. "Hey, calm down!" He said. I sat down beside him and laid my head on his shoulder. "Why would he do this?" I asked. "That's what we're going to find out!" Harry said. "Yeah right. How do we do that? Go up to him and say, "Hey Paul! We were wondering why you kidnapped me and shot me! Ooh! And also why you clobbered Niall with a metal pole!" Louis said. "That's one way" Harry smiled. "Oh boy! Next thing ya know, ya have a gun to your head! I'm not going up to him, because then we'd be making ourselves literally gun targets!" Louis said. "We'll call the police and then have them arrest him" Liam said. "That's easier" Louis said. "Louis? Are you allowed to be sitting up?" Harry asked. "I'm allowed to be released now" Louis said. "Let's go!" Liam said before racing out of the room in record time. "That was weird, did I miss something?" Louis asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean did Liam get a lightning bolt to the head" Louis said. "Not that I know of" I said. "Well he sure acts like it" Louis said, shaking his head a little. Zayn walked into the room with Harry following him. He smiled at Louis and and waved. So they're friends now, and I would think Louis would say a sassy remark to Zayn by now about how he can talk or get out of the room. "Zayn" Louis said. "Uh...yes?" Zayn says with a hint of-worry. Weird. "You can at least say hi to me" Louis said. Zayn's eyes widened and his mouth opened a little. Harry looked at Zayn and then furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. He waved a hand in front of Zayn until he finally snapped out of it and slapped Harry's hand away. "Vas Happenin' Louis?" Zayn asked. "Can I get out of this place?" Louis asked. "Why?" I asked him. "BECAUSE IT'S TOO DEPRESSING IN HERE!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Just then Liam ran into the room and toppled over Zayn, sending the two crashing to the floor. Zayn was pissed. His "perfectly" styled hair was now sticking out. Zayn stood up and reached for his hair. He froze, his eyes widening. Harry started backing away. Then it came. Zayn screamed and shouted, "MY HAIR! MY HAIR IS RUINED!" He ran out of the room, still screaming. "Pfft...nice work Liam. Zayn is going to be fretting over his hair all day" Louis said. "Well, you're free to go" Liam shrugged.

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