Chapter 2

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AUTHORS NOTE: We last left off with Percy going to sleep. I am not good at writing/describing nightmares so just imagine him having a nightmare about Tartarus. Thanks for understanding!!!

Percy POV


I flipped over my bed to shut off my alarm and rub the sleep out of my eyes. Last night was awful I did not get any sleep at all.

"Percy!! Are you up yet?" My mom calls from the kitchen. "Yes mom!" I shout back. "Good! Now get ready for school! You and Annabeth leave in an hour!"

I sigh. I am NOT ready to go back to school. I was always the 'new kid', but this time will be different because I've got Annabeth with me.

Slowly but surely, I get out of bed. I throw on a forest green shirt, some dark jean shorts, and some grey/black/blue vans (*as shown in the picture above*) I try to tame my hair a little bit, but give up shortly after.

By the time I get to the kitchen, Annabeth is halfway through her stack of pancakes. She's wearing a gray shirt and owl on it, some khaki shorts and some black leather converse with red on the inside. Her curly blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail like usual.

"Hey Seaweed Brain. What took you so long?" asked Annabeth.

"I'm tired and don't want to go to school. Does that answer your question?" I respond with a yawn and start eating my breakfast.

"Fair enough" she replies. Then goes back to her pancakes.

•••••TIME SKIP: 20 mins•••••

"Honey! The bus is here!!"

"Thanks mom!" I say to her as Annabeth and I quickly rush out the door. "Bye mom! See you after school!"
"Bye Sally!" Annabeth shouts behind me.

"Goodbye you two! Good luck on your first day of school!!"


Once we arrived at the school Annabeth and I went to the principals office to get our schedules.
"Hello there, I'm Principal Coulson. And you are?" He sticks his hand out to shake it.

"Percy Jackson sir, and this is Annabeth Chase." I respond shaking his hand.

"Well Percy and Annabeth, welcome to Midtown High School. I will have your schedules printed out at once as well as your locker numbers. Also, I will give you a student guide."

"Thank you Principal Coulson. This might sound weird, but, could you please have our schedules set up so that we both have the same one and have our lockers next to each other?" asked Annabeth.

"Sure thing." he replied.

"Thank you." I stated before sitting down on a couch to wait until everything was sorted out.


After about 5 minutes of waiting there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

In walked a girl with long straight red hair, green eyes and a black leather jacket.
(*didn't expect that did you!~giggle*)

"Ah, MJ there you are. I'd like to introduce you the to two new students,
Annabeth and Percy."

"Hi, my names MJ, welcome to Midtown High School! Where did you move here from?" She asked.

"I didn't move here from anywhere at all in fact the reason I am here is because my stepdad got a job at this school. He's the new English teacher."

"Oh, Mr. Blofis is your step dad, cool! He's an awesome teacher as far as I can tell."

"Well then, since you appear to be acquainted with each other, here are your schedules and locker number MJ will show you where to go." says Principal Coulson as he guides us out the door and hands us our stuff. "Have a good first day of school!" he called out from his office before going inside.

A/N i know it's short but it will have to do for now!! Until this weekend or next weekend because schools a well... bitch for lack of a better word. I WILL TRY TO UPDATE THIS WEEKEND!!! ALL AND ANY IDEAS ARE WELCOMED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!

P.S. A/N: I forgot to ask if anyone could write me up a nightmare. I know it sounds weird but I suck at it and I need a good nightmare to go into the story. And it has to be FROM THE BOOK not made up please! If you could send it via Wattpad or facebook messanger that would be great and I'll make sure to give you credit for it! I need alot of nightmares so... send any you can think of. There is no deadline. THANKS!!!


I won't update until I get a nightmare. Sorry, but I really need one for the next chapter!!!


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