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(Published 10/25/2015)


It was on a misty fall night, October 27th, 1987, that a small baby girl was born. She was beautiful, weighing five pounds and four ounces. She had a head full of curly jet black hair and her skin was the prettiest chocolate brown that her mother had ever seen. Even her eyes were chocolate brown. And although most parents think that their baby is the most beautiful thing in the world, Angela Jones knew that she and her husband Jackson Jones had made a doll.

"Mr and Mrs.Jones? Have you thought of any names yet?" The nurse asked. She had been waiting patiently for the last forty five minutes before she decided to ask again.

Angela used her pointer finger to gently rub over her baby's left cheek, while nodding.

"Yes. We will name her....Africa. Africa Samantha Jones.

Angela looked to Jackson, who was satisfied with her response. She then placed a soft kiss on little Africa's nose before speaking. "You are beautiful, mama's baby. Your daddy and me are going to give you the world."

Jackson couldn't help but adore the already shared bond between his wife and their newborn daughter. He loved Angela unconditionally, and the fact that she had just given birth had made their bond so much more stronger.

After being college sweethearts and managing to maintain a strong relationship for seven years to follow; Jackson knew that their bond wasn't meant to be broken.

He admiringly planted a kiss on Angela's forehead, then did the same to Africa. "That's right baby girl. That's right. We are going to give you the world."

Immediately, a smile so big spread across Africa's face as if she understood every word that her mother and father spoke.

June 2005

(Eighteen years later)

Africa laid across her bed on her stomach as she spoke on the cordless house phone to her best friend Kimberly. She swung her long, thick legs back and forth as they gossiped about their plans for prom and graduation.

"So do you think your mom and pops is really gonna' let you stay out for prom?" Kimberly asked.

"I don't know. I hope so." Africa sighed.

"This is one of the biggest nights of our lives! Like come on! I hope they ain't on no fufu shìt."

"Me either." Africa rolled over on her back and stared at the ceiling.

"Are we still on for tonight." Kim asked.

"I'm tired. That five page paper I just did on top of all this prom shit got me beat."

"Oh no. Nope. No hunny. Get your ass up. It's friday."


"No Africa! Get up, go ask your parents about prom, then get dressed because we're going to that party. I will be there to pick you up at eight thirty."

Before Africa could protest, Kimberly had already hung up.

"She always hanging up on some damn body!" Africa mumbled as she got up and headed down the hall to her mother's room. Once she reached the door she took a deep breath then knocked on the door seal before letting herself in.

"Hey mama."

Angela walked on her treadmill with a towel around her neck as she watched Nancy Grace.

"Hey mama's baby. What's going on?" Angela smiled widely.

Africa fell on Angela's bed then leaned on her elbows before she began speaking. "I really wanted to talk to you about prom. You know that's a really big night for me. And I was hoping that my curfew could be extended?"

Angela tapped a button that caused the treadmill to stop then she used the towel to wipe her forehead.

"Now baby, you know that me and your father have to agree on that before I give you an answer."

"I know but I can never catch the both of you at the same time."

"Well today is your lucky day." Angela stepped down off of the treadmill. "Because your father is here."

"He is?" Africa looked around confused.

"Yeah. He's downstairs in the spare bedroom."

"Oh...ok. Should I go ask him, now?"

"Be my guest, then let me know what he says. I'll be in the shower."

Angela disappeared into the master bathroom leaving Africa stuck in her thoughts. Lately, her father was always in the spare bedroom and Africa didn't understand why.

She never witnessed her mother and father arguing and there was never bad energy between them so she wondered why he was always down there.

"Let me get this over with." Africa thought.

She slowly made her way downstairs, dreading the conversation that was getting ready to take place. She finger combed her natural thick curls to keep calm but that barely worked.

"Hey dad." She perked up.

"Hey there, baby girl! What brings you down here to see an old man?" Jackson sat up straight on the bed as he turned the volume down on the football game.

"I just wanted to talk to you." Africa took a seat beside him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Why aren't you watching the game upstairs with mom like always?"

"Oh, no reason. I'm just relaxing. What do you want to talk to me about?

"Ok daddy. So you know prom is coming up right?"

"Of course. How can I forget about one of the most important nights of my baby girls life?"

"This may be easier than I thought." Africa smiled to herself.

"I know daddy. That's why I was hoping that my curfew could be extended?"

"Say what now?"

"Daddy, Kimberly's mom booked us a suite at one of the best hotels in New York City. We'll have room service, a jacuzzi and our very own bedrooms. She even scheduled for us to have facials and massages before we get dressed for prom."

Jackson was silent and Africa knew that meant he was thinking, which wasn't a good thing. She had to do something quick before her father decided not to allow her to extend curfew.

"Daddy, I've never given you and mom any problems. I'm a straight "A" student and I'm graduating in the top five of my class. I keep my room clean and-"

"Ok baby girl." He agreed.

"What!? Really!?"

"Yes. You're right. You've been a good girl and I have no reason to question that. You can spend the night with your friends just as long as your mother agrees."

"Oh Dad! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Africa hugged him tightly.

"You're welcome." Jackson chuckled.

"There's one other thing." Africa said calmly.

Jackson raised an eye brow before speaking. "What?"

"Can I have some money? Kim is on her way to pick me up for a party and I need a new outfit."

Jackson sighed. "You scared me baby girl. For a minute, I thought you were going to say something else."

"Something else? Something else like what?" Africa looked at him confusingly.

Jackson handed Africa three twenty dollar bills then put his wallet back on the night stand. "Nothing baby girl. Nothing at all.

And with that, Africa ran upstairs to call Kimberly about her exciting news. But Africa would never in a million years think that her extended curfew would change her life forever.

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