Chapter One: The Beginning Of A Dream

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The hallway was alive with the usual morning rush at the entertainment company's headquarters. Trainees filled the narrow space, their quiet conversations buzzing with a mix of excitement and anxiety. For Y/n, the noise was a constant backdrop, blending into the hum of lights, distant footsteps, and the echo of rehearsals from nearby practice rooms.

At 21, Y/n was still just a trainee, but unlike the others, she always felt like she was lagging behind. Not because of her age, but because, no matter how hard she pushed herself, there was always someone faster, stronger, or more graceful. She wasn't the most flexible dancer, her voice wavered on high notes, and her stamina couldn't keep up with the endless choreography. When they lined up in the studio to perform the same routine over and over again, she knew she was the one who drew the trainers' most critical stares.

Her fellow trainees were relentless. Some were younger, with years of ballet or singing lessons under their belts. Others seemed to thrive on the pressure, their bodies moving effortlessly, like they had been born for the spotlight. Y/n, on the other hand, felt like she was constantly chasing after something she could never quite catch.

She was surrounded by her small group of friends as they made their way to the practice room that morning, their footsteps soft against the polished floors. Y/n hung back slightly, falling into her usual place at the edge of the group, listening quietly as the others chattered about upcoming evaluations and new routines.

"I heard Haneul almost got cut last week," one of the girls whispered, her voice laced with a mix of concern and relief that it wasn't her.

Y/n kept her gaze on the floor. Stories like that circulated often—trainees who were close to being let go, their dreams of debuting slipping through their fingers like sand. The fear of being one of them gnawed at her constantly. She wasn't the strongest in dance or vocals, and the weight of knowing she was on shaky ground never left her.

"Y/n, you okay?" one of the girls asked, noticing her silence.

She gave a small nod, not trusting her voice to hide the nervousness swirling in her chest. It was just another day of training, but each day felt like an unspoken audition. Every misstep could be her last.

As they neared the practice rooms, something in the air shifted. A murmur passed through the other trainees, and Y/n followed their gazes to the far end of the hallway. Her breath caught in her throat.


He was standing by one of the doors, leaning casually against the wall, surrounded by his team. Even though the hallway was busy, the space around him felt still, like he existed in a bubble of his own. Dressed in an oversized black hoodie and ripped jeans, he didn't have to try to stand out—he just did. His presence was magnetic, drawing every eye without even trying.

Y/n had seen him before in passing, glimpses of him during company events or from afar during his rare visits to the trainee floors, but this was different. He was so close now, close enough for her to notice the effortless way he held himself, like someone who had long since earned his place at the top. His head was slightly bowed as he spoke with a manager, his expression serious, but even in those quiet moments, he seemed to glow with the intensity of someone used to being the center of attention.

The hallway seemed to slow down around her. Her group of friends was still walking, their whispered conversations continuing, but Y/n's focus stayed locked on Jungkook. He was a star, a legend in the making, and he felt worlds away from the small, struggling existence she was living as a trainee. She had spent countless nights in the practice rooms, trying to perfect routines she never felt good enough to master, and here he was—living proof of everything she had been working toward. Everything she wasn't sure she could ever achieve.

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