Chapter Two: Dreams And Shadows

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The sky outside was already dark when **Y/n** finally returned to the dorm, her body aching from hours of rehearsals. She rubbed her sore shoulders as she opened the door, the familiar sight of the cramped living space greeting her. The dorm was small, with two bunk beds shoved into one corner, a shared closet overflowing with clothes, and a single window that overlooked the busy streets of Seoul. It wasn't much, but it was home for now, a space she shared with four other trainees: Minji,  Jiwoo, Hana, and Nabi.

As Y/n entered, the others were already gathered in the tiny common area, slouched on the floor in a circle, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and excitement. Minji was flipping through her phone, showing something to Hana, while Jiwoo absentmindedly braided Nabi's hair.

"You're finally back," Nabi said, looking up with a smile as Y/n kicked off her shoes and dropped her bag by the door.

"Yeah, stayed a little longer," Y/n replied, trying to ignore the familiar tightness in her chest. She always stayed later than the others, feeling like she needed the extra practice just to keep up. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Debut," Minji answered, her voice tinged with both hope and anxiety. She was the oldest of the group, and it showed in the way she carried herself—steady and focused, like someone who knew the stakes. "It's getting close. The company said they'll make final cuts next month."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat. Next month. That was sooner than she had thought.

"Do you think we'll all make it?" Jiwoo asked softly, her fingers pausing mid-braid. There was a quiet fear in her voice, one that all of them shared but rarely voiced out loud.

"I hope so," Hana said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But you know how it is. They always cut someone at the last minute. And there are rumors that they're still scouting new trainees. It's never guaranteed."

A heavy silence fell over the group, the weight of their shared fear hanging in the air. They all knew how cutthroat the industry was. Every evaluation felt like a test of survival, and there were no guarantees—no matter how hard they worked, how much they sacrificed.

Y/n sat down beside Nabi, hugging her knees to her chest. She thought of her mistakes in practice that day, the moments where she'd fallen behind or missed a step. What if that was enough to cost her everything? What if, after all these years, she didn't make the final cut?

Minji, sensing the tension, quickly changed the subject. "Anyway, forget that for now. You'll never guess who we saw today."

"BTS," Hana said, eyes wide with excitement. "Jungkook was at the company earlier. We saw him in the hallway!"

Nabi gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. "No way! You saw him up close?"

"Yeah, he was just... there, you know?" Jiwoo added, her voice taking on a dreamy tone. "He's even better-looking in real life. I swear, I thought I was going to faint."

Y/n stayed quiet, her mind flashing back to her own glimpse of Jungkook in the hallway. It had been a brief moment, but the image of him, standing there with that effortless confidence, lingered in her mind. He seemed so far removed from their world, like he existed on an entirely different plane. But there had been something captivating about him—something she couldn't quite shake.

"I can't believe you guys saw him," Nabi said, her voice full of awe. "He's like... the ultimate idol. Do you think he noticed you?"

Minji laughed. "I doubt it. We're just trainees to him. He probably didn't even realize we were there."

The others giggled, but Y/n couldn't help the small pang of insecurity that hit her. She remembered the way Jungkook's eyes had swept over the hallway, briefly passing over her group, like they were invisible. Minji was probably right—he hadn't noticed them. But a small part of her wished he had.

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