3. Unrecognizable

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Beckett's POVP

"What do you mean.. there's no escape?" I ask Ryan. He sighs, and lifts his head to look at us.

"Last night, something felt off. I couldn't fall asleep for many reasons, but one of the biggest was what had happend in the woods. I grabbed my gun and I head into the woods. I ran for 30 minutes, and every 5, I'd pass the camp again." Ryan explains.

I look over at Castle, and see his face light up. I hide my face in my palms and I sigh, knowing what's coming. Oh come on, Castle.. be mature.. please be the fuck mature. I wait for him to go ranting about a theory, but when he doesn't, I look back up and see that his face has changed. Like reality of the situation sunk in. Thank God.

"Wait, You just ran completely straight?"
Jenny asks. "Yea. I ran towards where the road should have been. It's like it's a copy and paste." Ryan replies. "Well, let's test that out, shall we?" Castle stands up. Ryan and Jenny also stand up. Jenny looks back at me before following the others. "Hey.. you two alright?" She asks me and Lanie. "Yea uh... me and Lanie will stay here. Be careful!" I say. She nods and runs off with the boys.

I look over at Lanie, who looks like she's barley keeping it together. "Hey.. Lanie. Want to talk about it?" I say in a quiet tone. She nods, wiping her tears, that are now pouring. "I'm so sorry this happend.. I'm sorry." I wrap my arm around her, and she hugs me. "Kate.. who killed Javi.. tell me who. Your the best detective I know." She pleads. I stay silent for a minute. "I'll find whoever did this."



I hear rustling coming from the left side of me. I look over, and see Castle, Ryan, and Jenny all there. I see two out of the threes jaw drop to the floor. "Told ya!" Ryan yells. The boys look over at me and Lanie, who are still sitting in front of a put out campfire on a log. Their expressions change when they notice that Lanie had been crying. I see the three of them talking, and then splitting up. Jenny and Ryan went into their tent, while Castle walked over to sit with us.

I can see the compassion in his eyes. He looks over at me, then at Lanie. "How you holding up?" He asks her. She crys a little more. Castle sighs as he thinks of what to say. "We will find who did this."



After everyone has ate, and gotten dressed into new clothes, we met back around the still put out campfire.

"Alright. We all have alibis, but one is lying." I say. Everyone nods in agreement. "Well what do you suggest we do?" Castle asks. "Let's all say who we think did it, and give a good explanation." I say.

"Alright ill start. I think Jenny's alibi is the least solid." Castle says. I notice Ryan's fist tighten. "Jenny, I know you, and I think that you wouldn't kill Javi, but your abili makes no sense." Castle adds. "What do you mean? I was in the forest using the bathroom.." Jenny says. "Yea at the exact right time." Castle argues. They both start talking over eachother. "Okay okay guys!" I try breaking them up, no use. I look over at lanie who looks overwhelmed, and Ryan looks like he's about to commit a murder. "Enough! We won't find out who killed him if all we are doing is yelling!" I say.

They all stop talking. "You know what.. I'll be back in a few." Ryan says, removing himself from the situation. He rushes to his tent. Heavens sake. I take a deep breath. "Okay.. 10 minute break. All of you.


I enter me and Castles tent, and I sit down on my sleeping bag. I sigh, and take a sip out of my now stale water. Castle opens the tent and comes in too. He sits down. "Sorry that I was yelling.. I stressed everyone out.." He apologies. "It's fine.. but you just put a target on your back for Jenny, and Ryan. If either one of them are the murderer, your dead next. I'm just saying."

"You think it's one of them?" He asks.
I look up at him. "I don't know what I think. But I do know is that you shouldn't start a riot." He nods in agreement. I move closer and kiss him. He kisses me back, and holds me close.


We all get around the campfire. Castle grabs some wood from the forest, while Ryan grabs a match from his pocket and lights it on fire. I see Ryan stare at the flame, as it gets closer and closer to his finger. I see a tornado of thoughts cloud his mind, and I'm thinking the same thing. I can feel his anger. He throws it into the campfire, before he ends up burning Castle with it.

"So, now that we all-" I get interrupted by someone in to the right screaming. I look over, and see Jenny getting dragged away, by this figure. This unrecognizable figure.We all stand up, and start chasing her. Ryan gets in front of all of us, and is sprinting at full speed. "JENNY!!" He screams. He reaches his hand out, and trys grabbing hold of her, but he's just out of reach. Jenny's body slams against a thick tree branch, and her body gets impaled. Everyone freezes, unable to move. Kevin takes a step towards the tree, and is eye level with her impaled body. The worst part about all of this is that she didn't die instantly. She died slowly.

Kevin watches as her life gets taken away, slowly. Everyone stands back, and is just udderly crushed by everything going on. Kevin just stands there. Close to her, but not touching her. That's when her pulse stops pounding. When her eyes stop blinking.

My mind goes off into a world where I forgot all of my memories of my life before this. I've never seen a person die that painfully in my life.


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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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