Chapter One- Moving Out and Moving In

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*Alyssa's POV*

"Mom! Why do we have to move all the way to Cheshire?" I complained. "Because your father got a new and better job in Cheshire so hurry up and pack!" My mother said. "Because your father got a new and better job in Cheshire." I mocked.

"Yeah that's always the reason." I said under my breath.

"Why do girls need all this stuff?" My brother Niall said as he dragged my last suitcase down the stairs. "Careful! That's all the clothes I have until we get to Cheshire!!" I shrieked.

"Alyssa! You've got 5 suitcases full of clothes! I think you'll be fine." Niall chuckled. He's so frustrating. I walked up the stairs and into my empty room.

A lump formed in my throat and I sniffled trying to hold back the tears. "Hey, it's gonna be okay 'lyssa." Niall pulled me in for a hug and I let the tears fall. "I'm gonna miss this place Niall." I sobbed.

"I know, I know. I am to, trust me." He rubbed my back until I stopped crying.

"Okay get off of me." I said pushing him gently and he laughed which made me chuckle. "Love ya sis." he said walking down the hall.

"Love ya too" I said. "Alyssa! Come on it's time to go!!!" My mom yelled up the stairs. My dad was already in Cheshire.

I took one last look at my room and ran downstairs.

I jumped in the backseat with Niall and we headed to the airport. Once we got there it was a lot more crowded than I remember it being.

"Come on Alyssa!" My mom said slightly annoyed or stressed. It's hard to tell with her.

"Hey she misses this place just as much as we do. So just overlook her PMS like attitude." Niall whispered in my ear and I laughed. 'Flight to Cheshire, England is ready for take off.'

"Okay kids! This is us let's go!" My mom said pushing us to the luggage cart. After we got our bags we boarded the plane. I got the window seat.

Thank God.

I looked out the window as the plane lifted off. I watched Miami disappear from sight and I slumped back in my seat.

I felt a hand on my knee. "What Niall?" I asked and I didn't even realize I was crying.

"It'll be okay." He said. "Yeah yeah whatever." I brushed off his comforting words but they did help. And I fell asleep.

"Alyssa wake up." I heard Nialls voice and I slapped his hand off my shoulder.

"Okay I guess you don't want food." He said and my eyes shot open. My stomach growled loudly. "I do want food thank you very much." I said hitting him on the back of the head and he laughed.

"What's on the menu?" I asked before the flight attendant could say anything. Niall smirked at my starvation. "Baked potato-" Niall and I both cut him off.

"YES!!" We both yelled at the same time.

"Okay kids." she said and gave us both a plate with the steaming baked goodness calling my name.

"Slow down 'lyssa! You'll choke!" Niall said laughing at me stuffing my face with food.

"Shut up." I said then I started coughing. "See? Told ya so!" He said and I poured water on his potato.

"Hey!!" He whisper-yelled at me. And I smirked. After about 30 minutes I got sleepy again and I went back to sleep.

'Preparing to land in Cheshire, England, thank you for selecting Delta Airlines! Come again soon!'

I groaned and woke up. "Have a nice nap?" My mom asked.

"Yeah it was okay I guess." I said yawning and stretching my arms and legs.

I hear soft snores from beside me and there I find Niall sleeping like a freaking baby. I look over at my mom and she smiles at me and hands my a glass of water.

"Oh 'lyssa dear, would you wake up your brother for me? Please?" she asks me grinning.

"With pleasure mother!" I say and pour the whole glass on his head and his eyes shoot open.

"What the shmurf?!" He yelled.

"Niall dear you need to lower your voice my mom scolded but she was still smiling. "Women." Niall muttered and he pouted.

"Can I have a towel at least?" He asked.

"Let me check my pockets." I giggled and my mom gave me a high five. Once we landed, there was a car waiting for us with all out luggage already in the trunk. We got in the car and took an hour long drive through Cheshire then we pulled into a neighborhood that was fairly large.

"Holy mansion." I said as we pulled into the driveway of our new giant house. "I can first dibs on my room!!" I yelled and ran inside.

The room I chose was huge. It had a canopy bed, a walk in closet, and it's own bathroom. We all chose our rooms and then we all went downstairs to unpack. Niall and I took our stuff first and put it in our rooms. We went downstairs and helped mom. Five grueling hours later we got it all done.


"I'll get it!!" I yelled and I opened the door and my heart stopped. The curly haired, green-eyed boy smiled at me and I died.

"Welcome to Cheshire! My names is Harry!" and I shook his hand.

"Hi I-I'm A-Alyssa." I stuttered and he chucked at my shyness. "How are you liking Cheshire so far?" He asked. "What's not to like?" I asked.

"Good point." He said.

I could feel him looking at me.

"How long have you lived here?" I asked him.

"All my life." He replied and grinned at me again and my heart melted.


Sorry for the short chapter!!

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