Is it real? Or just a feel?

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*Sarah's POV*

I open my eyes to meet a pair if piercing blue ones and I jump out of bed screaming and Harry came in.

"Niall! When I said come wake her up I didn't mean scare her shitless!!!" He scolded and I groan.

"I'm not scared but I'm wake." I said rubbing my head.

"I'm sorry love." Niall walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and I lean back against him.

"It's okay Niall." I say smiling. "Now can you let me go? I need a shower." I chuckle.

"Oh yeah" he said blushing "I'll be downstairs." he said and kissed my cheek.

"Okay have fun." I stepped into the bathroom an locked the door behind me.

*Harry's POV*

I decided to make scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast.

"Hey Niall, while you're waiting for my sister, you want to eat some breakfast?" I ask him. Trying to be nice.

"Absolutely!" he said and got a plate and a fork and sat down and I brought the eggs, bacon, and toast over to the table.

"Enjoy! But save some for Sarah, she needs breakfast to." I say and he chuckles.

"I know I know." He chuckled.

"Hey I hear her coming down now." I said.

*Sarah's POV*

I turned off the water and step out of the shower and into my closet.

"Hmm should I go with black or white?" I mutter to myself.

I go with a black tank top and black ripped skinney jeans and I grab my red and black plaid button up shirt and tie the sleeves around my waist. I complete the look with a black SnapBack and my black an white high tops.

As for my makeup I go with a thin line of eyeliner with the wing and some mascara.

"All done!" I applaud myself at my fashion success. Wait. When do I care about fashion? I push away the thought and go to walk down the stairs and the smell of Harrys classic breakfast buffet fills my nose and I jump on the banister and slide down to the bottom and lad on my feet and run into the kitchen.

"What're we havin?" I holler and I see Niall and I look down blushing.

"H-Hey Niall. What're you doing here?" I stutter nervously.

"I am here to take you out!" he chuckles and smiles at me.

"Oh that sounds like fun! Harry can I have your bacon?" I ask politely.

"Sure sis" he pushed his plate towards me "I don't really like bacon anyway." He chuckled.

-At The Mall-

*Nialls POV*

I walked through the mall hand in hand with the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Hey Niall?" her soft voice flooded my ears.

"Yes my love?" I looked at her.

"Can we go in there?" she pointed ahead of us and I looked and she was pointing at a store called 'Sephora'.

"Of course my dear." I said and kissed her forehead.

"I-It's a makeup store." She said nervously.

"Well do you want me to go inside with you or wait out here it's up to you." I tell her as we approach the entrance of Sephora.

"I don't want you to feel awkward so I think you should wait out here." she said blushing. She's so cute.

"Okay babe here" I hand her £100 "go crazy baby!" I tell her and she runs in the store and I sit down on one of the couches outside the store.


Sorry for a short chapter but I start school tomorrow so I'm getting ready to go back! I'm actually excited!

@HazzaLover211994 is my Fav Wattpad writer/author/book writer ever!!!

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