First Pain, First Date

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*Sarah's POV*

I ran upstairs and went to my closet and I picked out a short strapless black dress and my high heels. Then I did my makeup and everything I looked at my clock and it was 5:43. It's almost time! I put braided my hair to the side and pu in my diamond earrings. It was 5:50 and I heard the door slam.

"Sarah LeAnn Styles get down here now!" Harrys voice rang through the house.

I walked down the stairs and stood in front of him.

"What the hell are you wearing?!" he shouted and I flinched.

"I have a date tonight. And he's gonna be here at 6." I say, my whole body is shaking with fear. Harry towers over my 5'1 tall body and he's scaring me.

I've never been scared of Harry.

"You look like a street whore. Go change." He said and pointed at the stairs.

The tears formed in my eyes and I slapped his face. "You have no right to tell me what in the hell to do!" I scream in his face and the next thing I know I have an arm against my throat pushing up against the wall and my feet leave the floor.

"Please stop it!" I wheeze.


The doorbell rings and I fall to the floor struggling to breathe. I stand up and dust myself off and open the door.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, ready to go?" Niall said wearing a nice suit and I nod.

He reaches for my arm and I flinch and jerk away.

"Sorry." I said letting him hold my hand.

"You okay Sarah?" he asked and I plastered on a fake smile and nodded.

"I'm hungry though." I said and chuckled.

"Me to!" he said.

I slowly ease into the seat of the car and whimper because my back hurt really badly.

"Sarah you're not okay. What happened?" he asked and I burst into tears.

"H-He attacked m-me." I sobbed.

"Who baby?" I could tell he was trying to stay comforting but his voice was laced with anger.

"I can't tell you." I cried.

"It's okay baby." he cooed and squeezed my thigh.

"He choked me." My body shook with sobs.

"Harry?" he asked and I looked at him and his eyes filled with rage. "Please don't do anything. I'm okay." I said placing my hand on his.

"Why didnt you tell me?" he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm scared of him now!" I shouted.

-After the Date-

"Oh I love spaghetti!!" I pressed my hand to my stomach.

"I had a great time tonight Sarah, Will you go out with me again sometime?" He asked me nervously.

"Of course if love to." I replied and he smiled widely and kissed my cheek.

The drive home was silent but I smiled the whole way there. Niall squeezed my thigh whenever he got the chance.

We pulled into my driveway and he got out and ran to the other side and opened my door for me.

"Why thank you Mr. Horan!" I curtsied.

"No problem love." he winked at me and I melted.

He walked me to the door an turned to face me.

"I really had a good time. You're an amazing girl and you're amazing to be around. I look forward to our next date." He leaned down and I closed my eyes and he kissed my cheek again.

"Thank you Niall. And I look forward to-" I was cut off by the front door swinging open and Harry stood there.

"Sarah get in here now. Niall thanks for bringing her home safely. Goodbye now." He said before shutting the door and facing me with his arms crossed ad I did the same.

"What?! Are you gonna call me a whore again and tell me I look like a sIut again?! Well I want you to know right now Harold. You don't scare me. You can hit me, kick me, choke me, beat me, but I won't be scared of you. I'm better than that." I walk up the stairs to my room leaving Harry speechless.

"Sarah I wanted to say that I'm sorry for saying that to you and hurting you. Can you forgive me?" he asked and I stayed quiet. And I heard him sigh and sit on the couch. I put on my pjs and walked downstairs.

"Harry get up and come to me when I'm talking to you." I said and I heard him chuckle a little as he go up.

"Yes ma'am?" he said.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and burries my head into his chest. "Of course I'd forgive you." I said and pulled away.

"Thanks Sarah." he kissed my cheek and threw me over his shoulder and carried me to my bedroom and tucked me into bed and he stroked my hair until I fell asleep.

"Goodnight Harold I love you." I said smiling. And I knew he was to.

"Goodnight Sarah. Sweet Dreams. And I love you to sis." He kissed my temple an stood up closing my door gently.

Harry is literally the best worst big brother ever.



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