Pancakes and Surprises

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"Alex, time for breakfast!", mom screamed from the kitchen. I sat up in bed, groggily. I sighed as I climbed out of bed, and flung the door open.

Yawning, I walked into the kitchen. The first thing I saw was a plateful of pancakes. I was surprised by this, because my mom never made pancakes, unless it's some sort of special occasion. Am I losing track of time, or has my mom finally broke and made my favorite food. I wasn't going to complain, but I just had to know, "mom, did you make pancakes?".

"No" she looked up from the plates, smiling, "Conner did".

I whipped around, and was surprised to see Conner standing there. Then I had a flashback of the kiss that we shared last night, and I could feel it all over again.

"Allie" he nodded towards me.

I blinked to make sure it was really him, when he didn't disappear, I exhaled in relief.

He brushed past me into the kitchen, then he said "here let me help you with that Mrs. Rogers", and tossed pancakes one after another on to each plate, setting them at the table.

"Oh my god, you again", Zebb complained, wandering into the kitchen with us. I glared at him and took a seat at the table, next to my dad, who was just sitting there, reading a magazine and not saying a word the whole time. Hopefully he stays that way, I wouldn't want him asking some inappropriate and mostly embarrassing questions.

But once everyone took a seat at the table, the questions came flying at us. "So are you two a couple?" Dad asked.

I said "no", at the same time that Conner said "yes". Dad looked back and forth between us as I massaged my temples with one hand.

"So are you, or are you not a couple?" He asked again.

"Dad, now is not the time for interrogations", I told him, clearly mad.

"What are you talking about? It's always the time for interrogations" he argued.

And like that, my whole family kept bombing us with questions, just like last time. I got so tired of hearing their nonsense that I eventually stood up, and grabbed Conners wrist, yanking him with me. "Come on Conner, we're going to my room", I grumbled.

At this point, the only person who was brave enough to say something else to me as my dad. In my maddened state, my mom and Zebb knew better than to talk to me. "You leave that door open young lady!", dad shouted after me.

Ignoring him, I closed the door then turned around, giving Conner the evil eye.


As I stared into her eyes, I knew she was angry by the angry glare she was giving me. I should've just listened to her and never came to see her family. But I was actually extremely amused by this. I've never seen someone's cheeks flush so red before. It's kind of cute, so I smiled. She shook her head at me, and crossing her arms, she said "how'd you know I liked pancakes?", and any signs of her ever being mad, was gone.

"I didn't, but now I do" I answered, taking a deep breath "your not mad any more?", I asked.

She lowered herself down on her bed, "I decided that I can't be mad at you since your just trying to help".

I walked over to her, taking my usual seat next to her. "Can I ask you a question?", she said.

"You just did", I answered sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, and I smiled, then said "yeah".

"Out there, when my dad asked us if we were a couple and you said yes..." She trailed off, glancing up at me.

I gestured her forward, then she continued. "Are we really a couple?".

"Do you want to be?"

She bit her lip, and I knew she wanted to say yes, but she was holding back. After I while of silence, I thought she was going to say no, until she finally spoke. Her words came out soft, but with a little help of my super-hearing, I could hear a yes. Exhaling in relief, I said "I guess this makes us a couple now".

"I guess", she giggled, and smiled that cute little half-smile of hers. I almost couldn't help myself from kissing her, and I my lips were just a centimeter away, until her mom walked in. Then Alexia jumped back nervously and I just laughed a little. It's really funny how easily embarrassed she gets.

"Oh um, sorry kids. Alexia, your friend needs to leave, there's someone here waiting to speak to you". I saw Allie's puzzled expression as I turned to her mom and said, "is it ok if we say goodbye before I go?".

"Yes, absolutely" she said, and as she left, she closed the door behind her to give us some privacy.

When I heard her footsteps disappear down the hall, I turned back to Alexia. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Cupcake?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow", I opened the door for her, so she could go talk to whoever it was that was waiting for her. A kiss seemed a little inappropriate at the time, because that would be moving a little too fast, and I don't think she'll like that. The other night, when I kissed her, I didn't mean to, it just happened.

I couldn't keep myself from turning around and kissing her, but I did and after I left, I had to get out of there fast, because I've never kissed a human before, so I could smell the blood from her lips. I tried as hard as I could to keep my fangs from popping out. I was relieved when I didn't explode.

Keeping my secret from my new girlfriend is going to be tough, but Its worth a try.

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