A Makeover

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There's something definitely wrong with my oldest brother. For some odd reason, he wants everyone to hate him. I mean, seriously, who wants that? He doesn't even have any friends and he claims he doesn't want any. Ugh, Kaiden is so freaking confusing!

I was starting to forgive him as a brother again, like I always do, but then he goes and tries to kill the only friend I ever brought home with me?  After giving this weird speech on how he's having a bad day? What? How? Why??? So many questions that will probably never be answered.

Anyway, I was really hoping that Kaiden and I were getting closer as brother and sister like we used to be! But no. He ruined it, and now I hate him for eternity and now I may never forgive him.

I was such an idiot to think that I could. Why does he have to be a bad guy? Why can't he be more like Conner? I'm sure Conner had bad days too, but at least he doesn't go around killing people because of it! That's what makes Kaiden a dumbass.

He claims he doesn't care about anyone or anything, and I thought that it wasn't true at first, but now I'm starting to believe that he really doesn't give a shit.

Suddenly there was a knock at my bedroom door. "Go away, Kaiden", I stated without looking up from my nails that I was painting a bright pink color.

The door knob began to turn and I turned to see Conner peeking in. "It's me", he said.

I smiled, gesturing for him to come in. But as he opened the door all the way, I noticed Alexia trailing behind him. "I heard that Kaiden scared away your friend, so I brought someone else for you to hang out with and I promise I won't let Kaiden anywhere near her", he told me.

My face lit up with excitement as I set my nail polish down on my bed and jumped up to give my brother the biggest hug he's ever gotten from anybody. I then pulled back and hugged Alexia, pulling her to my pink bed with me. "Oh my god! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Conner your the best!", I exclaimed in excitement.

Then, I jumped on my bed and reached down under my bed, I pulled out all my make-up. "OH MY GOD, I HAVE TO GIVE YOU A MAKE OVER!", I screamed at her, so excited that I didn't even notice that Conner had already left.

I love you older brother, if only Kaiden was more like you.


"Come on, hurry up Lexi! I have to see it!", Taylor shouted at me from outside of the bathroom. I really loved how excited she got when Conner had led me into her room. I guess she was feeling a little lonely since Kai had scared away her other friend.

"I'm almost done!", I screamed back at her, trying to zip up the dress she had demanded I try on. It's actually the most beautiful dress I've ever seen, and it's just my style too! It has lots of bright colors and its sparkly. Its a baby blue dress that ends just right above my knees, with silver and pink sparkles all over it, and a silver ribbon that's wrapped around my waist. In other words, it's beautiful.

"LEXI!", Taylor screamed at me again.

"Okay! Hold on a sec. I can't zip up!", I complained.

"Then just come out here and I'll zippy up for you! Jeez" she shouted, impatiently.

"Fine" I groaned, throwing the door open and stomping into her room.

She only stared at me like I was the most amazing thing in the world as I stood there. But then she just shook it off and walked around me, zipping the zipper up on my back, before turning me around to face her.

She observed my outfit and the mostly silver make-up she had put on me, then she smiled and looked down at my black converse.

I watched her in confusion as she walked over to the closet and threw it open, revealing like more than fifty pairs of shoes. My mouth dropped open in surprise, when she pulled out a cute pair of silver boots and demanded I put them on.

And to be honest, I wasn't gonna say no. I loved them! I quickly tore my old, ratty converse off and pulled the boots on. They were knee-length with small heels, and they fit just right.

Taylor and I squealed in unison. We jumped up and down together for like 5 minutes straight until Taylor finally stopped it by saying, "OK, now time to do your hair!"

She grabbed my arm, yanking me back to the bed with her. I took a seat on the edge while she grabbed the brush and curling iron and sat with her legs crossed, behind me.

I felt her brush through my long hair a though my hair about a thousand times before starting on the curls.

One hour later...

She's still working on my curls... Naw I'm just kidding, she's finished with my hair. First, she curled my whole head, then grabbed a hair tie and tied it up into a ponytail, leaving the shorter hair in front of my face to flow freely. After that, she pulled out a small, silver bow that matched my dress and tied it around my ponytail, and boom! My makeover is officially over.

Taylor jumped off the bed excitedly, walking over to her closet again, she opened it all the way to show the big mirror that was attached to the other side of the door.

"You look amazing", she complimented.

I walked in front of the mirror, admiring my new outfit that my new best friend had put together for me. I smiled, glancing over at Taylor, I said "I don't like it".

Her face fell, I smiled, "I love it!", I screeched, pulling her in for a hug, "thank you!".

She hugged back, "Oh my god Lex, do t do that to me! You scared me!" she let out a breath of relief.

I shrugged, pulling back. "Sorry", I said, smiling.

She rolled her eyes, playfully. "Whatever... Now come on, let's go show Conner!", she shouted, running over to the door to throw it open, then looking back at me, still standing in front of the mirror.

"Alexia, are you coming?", she asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm coming, sorry!"


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter kinda sucked. Its a filler chapter until I get more ideas, because I want this story to be at least 30 chapters long, maybe more. So there's only like 5 more chapters, and I promise the last 5 chapters will be action-packed and have lots of drama! Thanks for reading!!!





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