Make a Choice

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I awoke from my slumber in a dark place... Oh wait, no... That's just my room. The blinds are just closed and I can barely see a thing. I rolled out of bed dizzily, before I noticed there was someone else in my bed too. Conner.

Suddenly, the memories of what had happened yesterday flooded back to me. Chanel.

I bit my lip in frustration, pushing the memory of Chanel away, and I nearly jumped out of my skin when out of the corner of my eye, there was movement.

Whipping my head to the left, I spotted a sleeping Kaiden in my bean bag chair... He stayed too? I thought he'd be gone by now. But I know that somewhere deep inside him, he cares about what happens to me. Smiling at the thought, I suddenly got an extremely bad headache and I didn't feel so good... My smile disappeared as I rushed out the door and to the bathroom, where I leaned over the toilet and pukes up my dinner from last night.

Groaning, I sat back up against the wall, and placed my face in my hands. Great. Now I'm sick.

I was calming down and tried not to freak out, but my calm state was soon interrupted by the bathroom door flinging open and Kaiden was instantly by my side. Jumping back in surprise, I hit my head on the wall.

Kaiden's eyes widened, and he apologized for scaring me, then went to help me up when lunged forward and puked once again. Kaiden quickly grabbed a hair tie off the counter and held my hair out of my face, tying it up into a messy ponytail.

"Kai, what's going on-?", Conner soon joined us I the bathroom, and told Kaiden to go get some medicine from the pantry while he stays here with me. For some reason, Kaiden said no and forced Conner to go get the medicine.

Shaking away the thoughts of the boys, I just now realized the awful taste of throw up in my mouth... Ugh, I hate being sick!


Now I really feel bad for Alexia. First she had to deal with what happened  yesterday, when her friend got arrested, and now she's sick? Could the situation get any worse?

Of course it can. I'm what's making everything harder on her! What, with how I've been pressuring her to make a choice on the whole vampirism thing. But I don't know, should I just leave her alone?

NO. No, I can't do that! Then she will become suspicious and wonder why and I can't have her curious little mind figure everything out. Including the fact that I'm in love with her. Sighing, I pull Alexia's hair farther back as she continues to puke out her insides into the toilet.

Poor girl.


It's been about an hour or two and I think my little cupcake is gonna be alright. She even says she's feeling a little better. I believe her when she says she's feeling better, but I think she's starving!

Because she literally just threw up every meal she's ever had. There is no way she's not hungry.

I called her parents a few minutes ago and explained the situation to them. They're on their way with some fast food and more medicine.

They should be here soon. So should Taylor... Suddenly there was a big gust of wind and Taylor was standing over Alexia, who was laying in bed, asking her if she's ok and stuff like that...

"Are you kidding me, Taylor?", Kaiden spoke up to our little sister, "does it look like she's ok?".

Taylor didn't respond, she just rolled her eyes at Kaiden's sarcastic remark, feeling Alexia's forehead for a fever.


I wonder what it's like to be sick? I haven't been sick in over a decade, but from what I've gathered, it doesn't feel good. Vampires can't get sick unless they are bitten by a werewolf, but I've never been bitten by one, since I've never even seen one.

My thoughts drifted as there was a knock at Alexia's bedroom door. Her parents had finally arrived.

We opened the door for them to stumble in, holding bags of food, they handed one to each of us. I smiled politely at them and told them that they really didn't have to get us anything to eat but they insisted.

We all ended up gathered around Alexia on her bed as we talked to her and laughed. But soon it was getting pretty late, and we had to go home, so Alexia could rest the rest of the night.

We said bye to her parents and ran home, laughing and joking around. It actually felt pretty nice, me and my brothers bonding and actually getting along for once.

I've forgiven Kaiden for what he did. It's not my fault that he's just a jackass that wants attention. He's always been like that, even back in the day whe he was still human.

I'm just wondering what all this crap about making decisions or making a choice is about? Yeah, Kaiden doesn't need to know this, but I overheard him and Alexia's conversation the other night, but not enough to get the whole story. I'm thinking of confronting both of them about it but I decided to wait until Friday, since that's when whatever deal the two had made, takes place...


Hey guys, it's Jess!  Hope you liked this chapter! Also, I gave you guys a sneak peek of the cover of the next book in this series as the image to this chapter,  because I have officially reached 1K reads!!!!! Yay!!!! XD
Love you guys! XOXO





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