Chapter 10

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The footsteps behind Stephanie grew closer. She turned to find Killian himself approaching, his skin glowing with that terrible orange light. His smile was predatory as he took in her injured state.

"Well, if it isn't the little Stark," he said, his voice carrying an unsettling warmth. "Trying to play hero like daddy?"

Stephanie backed away, her injured leg nearly buckling beneath her. The heat radiating from Killian made the air shimmer around him. Behind her, the sounds of battle continued to rage, but she felt terrifyingly alone.

She tried to run, but Killian moved with inhuman speed, catching her arm in a grip that was just shy of burning. She cried out, more from fear than pain, as his skin pulsed with orange light.

"Let's not be hasty," he said, pulling her close. "Your father needs to understand the full scope of tonight's lessons." His breath was hot against her ear. "About power. About loss. About failure."

A repulsor blast struck the deck near them. One of her father's automated suits swooped down, but Killian merely laughed, using Stephanie as a shield.

The suit held its position, repulsors humming but not firing. Killian's grin widened as he began walking, dragging Stephanie with him. Through the smoke and chaos, she could see her father in the distance, making his way toward where Pepper dangled precariously over the inferno below.

"Dad!" Stephanie called out, but her voice was lost in the sounds of battle.

"Don't worry," Killian said, his grip tightening as they moved across the platform. "He'll notice you soon enough. After all, what's a good show without a full audience?" His laughter carried over the crackling of flames as they approached the final confrontation. "The father, the daughter, and the woman he loves – all here to witness the end of an era."

He forced Stephanie to look back towards Tony and Pepper, just in time to witness her fall.

"No... no no no" Stephanie started to cry as she watched Pepper disappear into flames.


A little bit before

Tony ditched the idea of having a suit and instead took the time to run himself over to Pepper's hanging figure. He made a large leap onto a metal structure a couple of feet away from her. Rhodey's voice came through, "Tony I've secured the president and cleared the area."

"Nice work." Tony made his way up a few ladders to face Pepper as she lay hanging over the edge still stuck under rubble. She smiled when she saw him and instinctively reached out her hand. "Pep, I got you. Relax, I got you." The platform she was on shifted and she cried out. "I can't reach you and you can't reach me, all right? You've got to let go! You got to let go! I'll catch you, I promise."

Pepper nodded slightly, her eyes filled with trust.

And just as she was about to listen, the cables gave way with a deafening snap.

"PEPPER!" Tony's scream tore through the night as she plummeted into the inferno below. The flames swallowed her whole, leaving nothing but his echoing cry and the crackling of fire.

Time seemed to stop. Tony stood frozen, staring into the flames that had just claimed the woman he loved.

He managed his way back up to a walkway with a heavy heart coming face to face with Killian, with the small trembling frame of his daughter in his grip.

"A shame," Killian's voice dripped with false sympathy as he held Stephanie firmly beside him. "I would've caught her."

Tony's face hardened as he took in the sight before him - his daughter trapped in Killian's burning grip. His voice was deadly calm when he spoke. "Let her go, Killian. This is between you and me."

Iron man 3 [MCU x OC] [Book 3 of the Stephanie Stark Series]Where stories live. Discover now