Chapter 9 | Kiss A Frog

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What the fuck just happened.

One moment I was just laying in my hospital bed, and the next, a masked killer is lunging at me. Me and Cairo didn't get too badly hurt, only a few scrapes and cuts, but we're definitely in shock, Cairo hasn't let go of my hand ever since we got into the elevator, and for some reason, I find I don't mind the warmth of her hand clasped around mine, as shocking as it is.

I watch Cairo's older sister Bailey yell at the cops for leaving the both of us barely guarded in the hospital, while another pair of officers explain to our parents what had happened.

"Did they catch the killer?" Cairo ask softly, a sprinkle of hope in her tone. After Cairo hugged me, I immediately called the police, told them what happened in the hospital, but the nurse beside us just shook her head, seeming as disappointed as us. "They had vanished by the time the police got there."

I clench my jaw, Of course they had. "How could they have left only one officer at the hospital?" I scowl as quietly as I could, trying to smother my anger. I feel Cairo squeeze my hand softly in hopes to calm me down, I look to her, smiling softly. She got the worst injuries out of all of us, I mean, a broken arm and multiple sprained limbs? Jesus Christ.

Bailey soon finishes her fit of anger, as she walks towards Cairo. "Jesus Cai are you okay?" She shouts fearfully, gently but firmly placing her hands on Cairo's shoulders. 

I instinctively pull away, letting our hands part but Cairo's eyes immediately follow to mine. Her eyes looked lost and afraid for a split second, like she was a puppy and I was her owner, like I was going to disappear into thin air, before they reverted to a slightly calmer gaze. I find myself softening the muscles of my face ever so slightly. 

At first, Cairo struck me as a calm, perfect person who would never cry or never get angry, but I've gotten to know her a lot better, and I'm glad. 

However, I never thought about how much Cairo cared about me.

Bailey registers Cairo's quick gaze, her eyes now on me as well. I feel a little overwhelmed before Bailey's expression softens. "CC, I assume?" 

I nod, "Y-Yes." She presses her lips together, clearing noticing that my fear was still present, and she wasn't wrong. 

"I'm sorry about the crash, I hope you're doing okay. And," She takes a quick glance to Cairo, before looking back to me. "Thank you, for protecting Cairo up there in the hospital."

I nod again, seeming as though it's the only think I could do right now. "Don't thank me. I-It's no problem really." Besides, the only thing on my mind was if any of my friends were still in the hospital, and I knew for a fact that Cairo was here, since she had a broken bone, that only worried me more.

But I wasn't about to admit that.

"What now?" Cairo asks softly. "Are we still staying in the hospital after all that...?" I could hear the fear creeping up her throat.

Bailey quickly shook her head, "No, god no. Well, they offered to move us to a private floor if we still wanted to stay at the hospital, but I told them no." Cairo nods in agreement as Bailey continues to speak, "So you can either come back home to stay on bed rest for a few months, or you can stay in your dorm room for bed rest."

"I'll stay at the dorm." Cairo says almost too quickly, putting Bailey and even me in shock. "Cairo you have a broken arm and god knows how many other injuries."

"I know, but I still need to study." I almost groan. Of course she does.

Bailey groans for me, "Cairo. You can't be serious." 

𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 || CC walker x Cairo Sweet AUWhere stories live. Discover now