Season of the witch

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The party was close to by over as guest started leaving.

Wolf grabs princess, "well I guess we should get going now, I'll see you in the morning Buster" wolf waved.

"Ok...bye" he laughs nervously.

"Well that went well" Johnny says.

Clay picks up the trash and Clarissa helps him, "don't forget dad we got to go visit mom's grave tomorrow" she reminds him.

"I guess it has been awhile" he chuckles then he picks up his granddaughter.

That night, Buster has been having trouble sleeping, he's been dreaming about jimmy crystal.

He can hear his voice going through his head, as Buster tosses in bed trying to block out the noise.

"One last thing. Don't you ever do nothing to make me
You better not or I'll throw you off the roof! Well, I've got you now, you lowlife, little loser! Oh, I can do whatever I want! MOON!! Your set designs are a disgrace! I'm just messing with you. Where's your sense of humor, huh? Right, right. Well, let me ask you something. What did I do to make you disrespect me, huh? What? You think I'm an idiot, some kinda bozo? YOU LIED TO ME!!! No one makes me look like a fool! NO ONE!!! I swear to God, if I didn't have my kid in your show, you'd be outta that window by now!
You'd better have Calloway by the end of next week or so HELP ME! Oh, I know you won't let me down. : The right thing to do....IS WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO!!
You really think I'd let a lowlife little amateur loser like You, humiliate me!? You made me look bad. So I'm gonna have to let you go! And I'll finish the job later. YOU LITTLE...!"

Then he heard a knock on the door, it was miss crawly waking him.

"Ah!" It spooked him, he breaths hard.

"You awake Mr moon?"

"Yeah, what's gonna on miss crawley"

"We're all downstairs waiting for your orders sir"

"Yeah yeah tell them I'll be down in just a second" then he heard a car honking.

"Ok Mr moon" she leaves him

He rest for a minute thinking about the nightmare then the loud honk scared him.

"AH!" He nearly jumped then he looks out the window to see it was wolf waiting for him outside honking.

"Come on Buster, let's go" wolf waved.

"Ok I'm coming" Buster gets dressed and heads down, where miss crawley walks up to him.

"Mr moon?"

"I have to go out miss crawley just start without me ok"

"Oh ok Mr moon"

Two minutes later after he gets in Mr wolf's car, the two drive off then later they are inside a coffee shop.

Ordering two cups of coffee and one pumpkin pie and one pecan pie.

Wolf digs into his piece of pie, but a lot came to buster's mind.

"Look I have to say last night was...Incredible you-you were amazing I don't know you could sing" wolf was flattered by Buster.

"Oh it was nothing just a little hobby one mines"

"Why didn't you tell me you could like that" Buster was surprised and excited.

Wolf takes a sip of his coffee and puts it down, "well it's something I don't like to brag about, if anything piranha is the singing one in our group"

"You know I have an idea, why don't you sing in our next show that's coming up"

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