chapter two

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• one week later & and one
grouchy slouchy alice.

Watch out a big grouchy female is coming down tumbling down the stairs the one and only- introducing snow white's prized dwarf, grouchy! Sike it was me, again. The fabulous and glorious Alice Royals who's gonna be kidnapped to a camp where sunshine is always there and smiles are a need-what the fuck is this bullshit? Seriously their mascot is a fucking smiley.

"Honey, hurry up or else you're gonna be late!", my mom yelled from downstairs and my frown deepened even more."Yes mom,dear lord forbid I be late to this shitty camp-",I was in the middle dead panning before a slipper came in contact with my head."MOM WHAT THE FUCK-", I shouted in pain before another slipper came in contact with my ass."RESPECT ME,I'M YOUR MOM FOR GODSAKES!",my mom yelled back and I looked at her with a 'what the fuck' stare and my mom nodded her head in the direction of Marcy watching us.Mom was still trying to discipline Marcy so she had to make me as example,great. I rolled my eyes and got on my knees,clasping my hands together in a pleading manner."Oh no! Mother thou do not hit thee, I will always obey you and never disrespect you!",i exclaimed oh so dramatically for the whole household to hear.My mom gave me a stare to continue on with my words and I glared at her before continuing, " Um-and I won't do drugs and party with testosterone filled men???", I questioning stated the sentence looking at my mom for approval and she nodded.

We walked out of the house but as soon as she locked the door, she hugged me tightly and pecked my forehead. "Thanks girl,I owe you one." My mom breathe out and patted my back and I dropped all of my bags running back to the door." Then don't take me to that hell hole,oh my god please no,please!" , I cried out and hugged my duffel bag."Nice try.You're still going!" She cackled and dragged my stuff and me into the car.

• fourty minutes later: bel air -> la
and one
angered and bitchy alice has risen.

I could practically see the bright ass camp sign from outer space in my ass.The big bold lemon yellow colored sign that screamed 'sunshine' haunted my eyes sending shivers down my back.My mom only parked at the entrance and unlock the doors,"Well sweetie-your youthful mother has to keep with her looks and got a hair appointment so bye!Oh by the way,Myles said good luck!", my mother excitedly babbled and pushed out of the car with all my stuff.Fucking great, how many times can I say that I got ditched by mom because I wasn't cool enough? I sighed and threw my duffel bag over my body and dragged my suit case in.

I stood there and waited in a group of 13 year old girls.We stood there for almost an half hour and I have noticed that every person that came in was at least 13, wait a minute- let's do some calculating here readers before I go apeshit. Every camper here is about 13 + I'm the only 17 year old camper in sight + Camp Sunshine.

Fucking Myles jinxed me, again.

I crossed my arms and stared at all the preteen excited girls and boys in horror,what the fuck is this? one of the female counselor - a middle age lady just began handing out t-shirts for us to wear and as soon i got mine, attempting to put it on i gave up and wore it as a scarf because fuck the rules that's why. Why must she hand me a extra small? Why Buddha? Why Obama? Is this thou, karma?

• 10 minutes later:
and one very done with life,alice.

I sighed and sat down on a log but then I was taken aback by a wave of loud shrieks.Four males came driving in a golf cart, throwing a bunch of water balloons at every camper."Oh fuck fuck, nope nope my eyeliner is very expensive peace the fuck out-", I exclaimed with a ocean of profanities as I dodged and attempt escaping from the water balloons.Soon it became like a counselors vs camper battle and it chaos aka I fucking can't with this.The middle aged lady who handed my shirt attacked me with a water gun and I knew this bitch couldn't trusted.

Fortunately I was able to crawl to spot where no one was near at and rested against the tree."Too much h²o-oh my jesus." I let out a big out take of breath, silence was nice. Solitary was nice. My body that was tensed before had now relaxed.But not for fucking long until I felt a water balloon hit my beautiful tatas."OH FUCK NO YOU DO NOT MESS WITH MY GIRLS YOU LITTLE SHI-", I yelled mid interrupted by the four counselors (the one who started this water war like wtf aren't we suppose to be in a drought??) I was attacked from all directions with water and my hands were flailing around trying to grab any of the counselors.My hand latched around a pale like arm-it was probably that noodle looking bread stick one.I dragged him down and took his water gun pressing it to his forehead."Drop your weapons and no one will get wet." I said menacingly and glared at the 3 boys.

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