Chapter 1

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Ash's POV

I pump gas into my bike before parking it in the garage that was owned by the town mechanic, also a good friend of my dad, atleast when my dad was alive.

To be fair everyone was a friend of everyone in this town. Everyone literally knew everyone in here, if you had a birthday, a new baby, a anniversary, everyone would know and celebrate with you. Everyone except my dad, ever since my mom died it's like a part of him died too.

The whole town always came to share their empathy and sincere condolences, but he didn't want their sympathy, he was a coward, he always hid behind his alcoholic addiction, whenever he got drunk and I was in sight he'd take every single emotion out on me, his anger, regret and sorrows...Which is part of the reason why I was never home, the other part was I hated seeing him like that.

The town knew about this, heck even the sheriff knew, which is why he would keep me in the sheriff's station sometimes until his shift ended. He never actually locked me up for all the trouble I cause, because he knew what was happening at home and he didn't do anything about it, no one could, even though they knew they would see me with new bruises again and the same clothes as the day before.
I can still remember the look on the sheriffs face, his eyes filled with a deep sorrowful understanding of my struggles. I didn't believe him, he would always take me home to that sorry excuse of a father.

I park Zee in Frank's garage covering him in a black cloth before heading inside.

"Hey Frank, Thanks for letting me park Zee here" I say as I throw some cash on on coffee table. Frank sits on his one seater watching some football game, with a beer in hand just like my father use to, unaware of the life outside this place.

Frank grins before asking, "what kind of trouble did you get into this time boy."

"Oh just a classic that I've missed since I left town" I say

"You have hanged at all" he says chuckling, I smile mildly.

"Thanks again though Frank"

"Anything for Arnalds boy" he says, raising his beer before taking a swig of it. I nod before heading out, the cool air hitting my face, as I head home walking through the dark streets of this town I don't wish to be in.

Nostalgia hits me like a wave when seeing all the little hiding spots I created underneath people's porch and tunnels I dug to get away from the cops. I grin at all the memories, thinking about the one old lady I use to prank day in and day out that's was before I gave her a heart attack and accidentally causing her, her death.

I unlock the door to my father's, unstable yet livable house, grabbing my gloves between my teeth before entering and locking the door instantly behind me, I open the mostly empty and fridge, grabbing a beer my dad left behindsince that's all he ever ate.

I never liked the taste of beer or any alcohol substance for that matter, it reminded me too much of my dad, I plot down on the exact same seat he used to rot in, staring at the gold on the coffee table I stole from the church earlier.

"This one's for you dad" I grumble lowly before raising the beer then taking a swig, sending a bitter taste down my throat. I adjust in the seat then leaning back, my mind taking me back to what happened with that poor village girl that got taken in my place. I grin at how stupid easy that still was, I guess this town still hasn't changed. What another successful day.

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