Chapter 2 (Ignorant of the past)

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The years that had passed, you realised that your father had actually sent you and your older sister to your father's family side, and it's location is actually a Provincetown where there is a lot of ocean around the big island.

When you started your first class there, it was traumatising to say the list, you were suffering from a sickness that made your head have a lot of wounds, and the only thing that can treat it properly is by cutting your hair into that of a boy's cut.

You were crying of course, because your father wasn't there, back to the city to earn some money for a living, that so he can also sent for you and your older sister as a support, not knowing that, your father actually had a history with his parents too.

When you first got into grade 2 school, you were left there by your auntie without saying anything, in the city you got used by your father always sending you there himself while giving you some allowance, although it's just a few coins.

As you walked into the room looking shy, you sat at the very backseat, when a boy suddenly pointed it's finger towards you, and started calling you a boy, and of course they started to get disgusted by the wounds in your head, so you cried at your first day class at that time.

The next day, you walked into the class wearing a hat with your head low, but the boy from yesterday pointed it's finger towards you again and started calling you name's.

It goes on like that in your whole year until your head started to finally heal but, you kept your hair that of a boy's cut, since you thought that having a longer hair is quite annoying, you were also so ignorant at that time that you had never seen your sister in those times.

When you did see her again, you asked her if she could teach you how to read a book, of course you notice the way she looks, as if she's carrying the world's problem in her shoulder, so you were hesitant when you asked her to teach you. 

Even now, your still thinking how dumb you could have been at that time to noticed that your older sister.. has actually been experiencing a depression by herself.

When she did taught you, she were kind and soft at first, although your old enough, you still couldn't read books properly at that age, then after a while of messing up and forgetting the letters, she snapped at you saying how your so slow not getting any words right properly, then she stood up and left, leaving you crying out while staring at the book you were reading, still in the first page.

A few days later, your older sister feels bad for how she acted, you can see it In her expression without her saying anything, and yet again, to ignore those expressions like how the ignorant you are, you were holding the book you were trying to read yesterday, and you proudly showed how your able to understand the words now and you can read it properly now, she smiled looking proud of you.

As you grow older and older, you finally started to realise and see the world around you properly, your loving sister had now ignored you as if you never existed in the first place, the times that had passed, you two were miserable.

Not knowing that, your loving grandmother, has actually been taking all the money your father has been sending for you and your older sister, in your allowance you only get a few coins, older sister only gets a few dollars and it's not even enough for her who's already in highschool.

And now here you were, standing in your apartment all grown up, remembering the passed, suffering in problems, being compared to.

You were now in college, and your proud that your older sister didn't gave up on life and found a better job and a loving boyfriend, how happy they seem.. while you're here, experiencing the pain that your older sister must have already gone through.

You stared at your face in the mirror in front of you, dark circles formed under your eyes while staring blankly into space, the era had changed, lots of children had been suffering from the problems their parents failed to noticed.

Holding a cutter in your hand, you already did this a few times, yet you couldn't seem to finish yourself off properly, you wanted to disappear but at the same time, you still want to see your older sister.

You slowly look down, seeing your right wrist full of cuts some are just new and some are already old, you brought the cutter to your wrist, and without a second thought.. you slit your skin, this time deeper cutting off your veins in the process.

You dropped onto the cold tile floor's, blood sipping out of your wrist, and started to flow like fountain, you started to breathe hard, not knowing what you just did, you stared at the door wanting to be saved but.. nobody came.

Your consciousness started to slip away, not even a smile grazed your lips as you close your eyes, wanting to rest and sleep for eternity, when suddenly you remembered that one anime, was it called one piece?.

It's been so long yet, you never finished that anime, when you started watching that was, when you and your sister had a better relationship again, it was in good times that your older sister recommended you the anime she thought was good, when growing up, she actually got numb to the pain too, and started to ignore them by doing a cosplay or just some things she actually enjoys doing.

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