Chapter 5 (The other voice)

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A few weeks seems to have passed in just a blur, although you are curious what this rio poneglphy they talked about, but even if you do get to meet the strange stone's you can't read it, and your not actually that interested about it just curious.

And after that long weeks that had passed, you actually, for some reason earned a place here to be the library's  checker on books and cleaning some of the dusted ones, you were bored anyways so you just did it again, and again.. and another.. until it becomes boring again.

You let out a sigh of boredom as you sent the book flying to It's highest shelf they couldn't seem to reach out to clean.

The others got used to your strange power for some reason too, thinking you might be the same as Nico Robin who also had eaten a devil fruit and a useful one like Nico Robin.

Thinking about it, you also didn't know how you were able to use it in the first place, you just thought everything was a dream and imagine a string to come out and control the sea beast as if it's just some play thing.

You then looks around the place, in your past life you love reading books, but not quite the books that tells about school information, it's about adventure's a few romance, horror and maybe some that are slashers and just some random things you find in the internet that's pretty much just as interesting.

A few more days passed when you also found out that, you had another voice living inside your head, at first you felt like your going even crazier that you already are, until you started getting into panic mode, for thinking that someone is invading your mind, and maybe it's the original person's consciousness.

Until the voice calmly told you to calm down because even she is going into a panic mode, then she started explaining how she is the dark side of you, the side which you were always afraid to let out.

And for some reason when you die, you were looking at your reflection, the original you showed kindness and dying in peace, but in the mirror showed a different you, someone darker, showing you of death, but not your death, the death of another being, the death of the person who made you suffer.

You were suddenly cut off when you heard the familiar voice of the mature yet childish kid Nico Robin Calling out for you.

"Y/n! Where are you?" She silently shouted because this place is still a library, you let out a small smile, yet the void in your eyes never changed, still not a slight emotions.

"What's wrong Robin?.. what got you so excited?" You asked with a smile as you sat down in a nearby bench to sit down for a moment and maybe rest for a few minutes, thankfully the people here are kind, letting you do whatever you wanted as long as you do your part Into staying here, they also tried looking for a way to get your memory back but they aren't doctors.

So they instead get you checked up by a real doctor in the island, but one look in your dark eyes which seems to have made them be attracted to it as if they are being pulled to look at your eyes.

When they set their eyes on your black one, they get nervous and scared as if they just saw a ghost or a monster, the others clearly looked confused at that time, but the doctor didn't say anything.

Until you just decided that your memory will come back anyways, and even if it doesn't you'll just make your own memories with Nico Robin as your new family.. well you treat her as family anyways so.

"I..well, I'm going to take the archaeologist Exam today.. I just thought maybe I'll let you know.." she shyly revealed with a smile, her eyes darting around, you can also noticed the way she doesn't show emotions anymore again, even if she did she only showed it to you, and only a little towards professor clover and the scholar.

"Hm, is that so? It's today huh.. you'll be taking that exam so you can also be a archeologist" you spoke as you gently grabbed her hand, and slowly formed a bracelet made of string on her wrist that has her name on it.

"Yes.. I have to be a scholar to be able to read the Rio poneglphy.. just like how my mother was" she stated happily with a smile while glancing at her wrist to see a bracelet formed around it.

"What is this y/n- San?" She asked with a curious look, she couldn't help but glance at all the cut's in your wrist, still wondering about the wound's on your hand about it.

"It's a gift for you.. I know you'll passed that exam.." you responded with a smile as you move your hand away, letting your long sleeve hide your wrist in the process.

'you know what will happen next.. are you going to follow her?' you ignored the voice in your head.

"A gift? You think I'll be able to passed it?" She asked again with a small smile, when you also respond with a nod.

"Thank you y/n- San I'll treasure this" she then wrapped her arms around you into a hug, you were quite surprised at first since it's also been a long time since someone hugged you, you then hugged her back, when she suddenly tried to pull away thinking she hugged you without your conscience or anything.

"Sorry.. and.. thank you again y/n- San I promise to do my best" 

You then let her pull away as she smiled happily and walked away to take her exam.

You knew she will passed it eventually, although your quite concerned after that since, that will be the event where it'll happen after a few days.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 15 hours ago ⏰

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