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My names Paige Evans. When I was little, before I could even walk or remember, my mother had me in pageants. I did them till I was about seven. So i was pretty girly as a child. I was a cheerleader for four years, Did gymnastics, dance, ballet. I had a really good life, got almost anything I wanted, had a lot of friends. A roof over my head. Food in my stomach.

 I was what you would call a "prep" or a "popular". I was a pretty smart kid too, well about common social preferences. I knew that the "pretty" girls were skinny, had boobs, had a perfect face or makeup and hair jobs. I think that's what started it all. The illusion of perfection I had created in my head so young. 

Then my mom and dad got back together and it all changed. I was taken from my school. From my friends. From my popularity. I moved towns over the summer between fourth and fifth grade. For once I was shy, I was quiet. I kept to myself. made a few new friends. 

Fifth and sixth grade were easy going, I had straight A's I had worked my popularity back up, all was good. At least that's what most people thought, and that's what I tried to make myself believe. I acted happy all the time, I smiled and joked around. I had everybody fouled. 

The summer of sixth grade I started listening to more alternative and rock music. Started subtle and not anything hardcore. Just like Linkin Park and Evanescence. 

I slowly started getting more depressed. My parents started fighting more. My dad started leaving late and not coming home for hours without telling anyone where he was going or what he was doing. 

My younger sister was so unaware of what was happening and I both liked and hated it, because she was too young to understand but she also didn't understand why dad left, why mom was crying, why I wasn't talking and always had headphones on. I just ignored it and kept acting like everything was fine.

During that time I found out my dad had tried to kill himself three times, and did drugs, was abusing his medication, and didn't even know I existed until i was two because he was in rehab. He was always depressed, slept all the time. only getting up to go to the bathroom, eat, smoke and get a new pop. 

 Then my baby niece died. I was a wreck. I couldn't stop crying, it effected everyone. Summer went on, and eventually it was time for school start up again. 

Which started fine. But i was still hiding my depression. Holding it all inside. No one knew, no one noticed. When someone did I just "yea i'm fine, just tired" or "yea, don't worry just have a headache" 

They believed me and just went on with their lives.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors Note: Woo first chapter done! What do you guys think of her back story? pretty intense for a 12 year old.

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