Yellow - Poem

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We were getting to know each other,
Until we came to the topic of our favorite colour.
He was trying to guess until he yelled out, "Yellow!"
He said that word, soothing quality that made the word sound mellow.

I smiled at his guess, a spark in his eyes,
For yellow, I thought, it held warmth like sunrise.
To be honest, I don't really have a favorite color;
Each shade tells a tale, like a heart's whispered wonder.

Ever since he yelled that word,
I hadn't seen the same world.
Everywhere I go I see yellow everywhere,
But this happened when I'm unaware.

His laughter, like sunshine, fills up the air,
In a world splashed with yellow, we’re both floating there.
Together we wander, discovering shades,
In the palette of life, where our memories are made.

So while I lack a favorite, I now understand,
It's not just the colors, but the moments that stand.
In this tapestry of conversation, rich and bright,
I found my favorite shade—his laughter, pure light.

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