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Flashing lights sang around me as I danced around with Jolie and Timothy, spinning the shorter boy around before laughing. It was the last Halloween of the decade, and I was going to make it count by wearing my homemade dragon costume.

It's really weird realizing I'm getting older, growing closer to eighteen. I know that's an odd thought but I knew I was running out of time for love. Well- I guess not really, but every girl or guy I met never really sparked anything inside of my heart. All I could do was hope it could happen, a flicker of light in the darkness.

"He did the mash-"

Jolie sang along, Timothy and I joining in just as a loud zap reverberated around the room and the lights cut. It took everyone a second to comprehend what happened before people started screaming. I looked around, getting squished against people.


I heard Jolie's voice and started looking for the little guy. I heard him squeak out an 'ow' and I sighed in irritation before fumbling for my lighter just as the principal came on the announcements to clearly state no open flames were allowed. Well... I don't really care, it's my life.

"Aw come on, who's hurt Timothy now-"

My words shattered and trailed off, eyes widening as color flooded to my cheeks. I'd never seen someone so beautiful... long awaited sparks ignited in my hopeful heart, setting it aflame.

This girl, I'd never seen her before. If I did, I'd most definitely remember a face like that. She looked at me with the most gorgeous blue eyes, putting Dorothy to shame. Who needed ruby slippers when the good witch was right in front of me?


I stared at her, mouth open slightly. The girl looked confused.

"I- I'm sorry miss my friend kept getting trampled- oh- there he is."

My voice came out in a breathy tone. I was hopeless. This pumpkin haired maiden had me wrapped around her finger, and she didn't even know my name. Timothy fixed his hair, brushing grime off his costume from presumably getting trampled by the mob of confused students around us.

"My brother, I can't find him!"

The girl spoke, voice like a thousand fairy bells in my ears. My heart surged. This was my chance!

"Don't worry Princess, I'll save you!"

I announced, raising my lighter for it to get flicked off. Damn it I fidget with that lighter too much and the one time I need the warm glow of the flame, I can't use it. She presumably looked at me, probably with distaste. Shit, there went my chances.

"Don't worry, we can still help! Here, take my hand!"

I smiled at her. She hesitated before taking it, Jolie and Timothy following as I made through the crowd, my wings serving good use to clear the way.

"So you know which way he went?!"

I called to her over the noise. She responded with something I couldn't hear before I pulled her into the hall to hear her better. The girl suddenly let go of my hand and dashed over to a boy, hugging him and tearing up. My shoulders sagged, Timothy and Jolie standing next to me.

"Aw damnit..."

I mused, disappointed. Jolie looked at me.

"I think it's her brother, they look similar."

My eyes darted over to Jolie before Ron, who was apparently behind us, cut in.

"Da, brother."

He agreed. I immediately lit up, sticking my tongue out and winking.

"Hell yeah!"

Jolie and Timothy laughed, elbowing me.



It had been a while since the dance, thoughts about that girl occasionally flitting through my mind. I would sit in class, doodling princesses that resembled her instead of paying attention, causing my side to bruise up from the amount of times Jolie elbowed me to get me to focus on the lesson.

We had been talking to Jackson, trying to soothe him because of personal problems he was upset about. We were walking towards the back of school, the halls fairly empty as the three of us talked.

"I don't know how to help Jackson."
"We could be there for him!"
"Timothy's right Ken, we don't need to know how to help yet, we just have to be supportive and comforting when we can. We shouldn't pressure him into giving us answers either."
"That's smart Jolie!"
"Thanks Tim."

I heard a girl's voice chime up, oddly familiar. We all glanced over to see a ginger and a blonde, the girl waving at Jolie.

"Oh my gosh, you're the girl from the party! With the Medusa costume!"

The girl smiled pointing at Jolie. That hair. The smile. The princess.

"Oh yeah! You're the girl who lost her brother!"

Jolie drawled, walking over with a smile. I glanced at Timothy, who shrugged before following.

"Oh mm gee! Those earrings are so rad!"

The pretty girl clasped her hands, staring in adoration at Jolie's earrings, and my best friend smiled cheerfully.

"Aw thank you! I made them!"

Jolie beamed as the girl stared I dumbfounded astonishment before squeaking happily. Jolie laughed.

"I can make you a pair."

She offered, and the pumpkin girl bounced up and down, ponytails swaying.

"I would love that!"

Jolie chuckled.

"Oh yeah! This is my twin brother, David!"

Brenda started before Jolie smiled and introduced us.

"I'm Jolie, this is Timothy, and that's Ken-"

She pointed at each of us before giving me an aghast look as I took my moment.

"Enchante mademoiselle, truly you must have fallen from the heavens themselves."

I mused before leaning down and kissing her hand. She didn't shriek or run away, she just gave an amused chuckle. So far so good. I glanced up, still holding her hand as I grinned.

"Is your name Barbie? 'Cause I'd totally be down to play-"

I started, pointing at her as I was interrupted by a very frustrated "Ken!" from none other than Jolie. The blonde looked like he was having multiple seizures and the girl gave me a kind, somewhat tired look.

"Actually, my name is Brenda."

Brenda explained. Brenda. Brenda. Brenda, Brenda, Brenda. What a beautiful name.

"Meh, close enough-"

I started to speak before 'David' grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, yanking me close to him. I had to admit, I was a bit nervous. This guy wasn't going to hit me was he?

"Woah woah woah! Calm down tiger! I'm right here!"

He screeched into my face, full on overprotective brother mode. Well, I guess I was the lowly punk who's a bad role model for the girl just like in the movies. Or, at least in his eyes. I smiled.

"Oh, pfft, where are my manners?"

I chuckled before kissing his hand, and David immediately went rigid with a squeak, going maroon. Jolie and Timothy looked dumbfounded when I pulled away. After a couple seconds the twins started pouring over Timothy and how cute he was, when the tall guy appeared and I got elbowed again for commenting on his height.

Eventually I was tugged away by Jo, and I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder and look at that girl, sparks in my chest. So this was love.

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