Chapter 3 - The Scarlet Truth

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Weeks had passed since the investigation into Light-Speed's sudden arrival had begun. The tension among the heroes remained thick, especially with Von Blood's plans quietly advancing in the background. But, despite their suspicions, no one had yet uncovered anything substantial about Light-Speed—until now.

One evening, after a routine mission briefing, the team gathered in the Tower of Heroes, discussing recent developments. The conversation was casual, with Light-Speed sitting quietly at the edge of the room as usual, not speaking unless spoken to, just observing.

Then, it happened. As Light-Speed stood up to leave, something slipped. A detail, small yet critical. His voice. It had shifted ever so slightly in tone, just enough for Banshee's sharp instincts to catch it. At first, she thought it was nothing, but then she remembered. That voice—it triggered a memory long buried.

"Wait," Banshee whispered under her breath, staring intently at Light-Speed's back as he made his way out the door. Her heart raced as realization dawned on her. That wasn't just any voice—it belonged to someone she and Wolf had faced long ago. Someone they thought had disappeared forever.

Scarlet Destiny.

A villain notorious for her ability to change her appearance, as easily as one might change clothes. A master manipulator, Scarlet had once terrorized the city, slipping in and out of identities like a ghost. She could mimic anyone, become anyone, and she had a dark history with Wolf. But what was Scarlet doing now, posing as a hero? What was her endgame?

Banshee's blood ran cold as the pieces fell into place. She had been right all along—something about Light-Speed was off. But this revelation only raised more questions. Why would Scarlet Destiny, a known villain, infiltrate the hero network only to help them? What was her true motive?

That night, Banshee didn't sleep. She couldn't. The memories of Scarlet's crimes haunted her—the chaos, the betrayal, the way she had nearly taken down Wolf on more than one occasion. And now, she was right here, walking among them, pretending to be one of them.

The next morning, Banshee wasted no time. She called a meeting with the other heroes, pulling Vanguard aside first.

"We need to talk," she said, her voice low but urgent. "About Light-Speed."

Vanguard raised an eyebrow. "You still suspect something, don't you? What is it?"
Banshee leaned in, her expression deadly serious. "Light-Speed isn't who he says he is. He's Scarlet Destiny. I'm sure of it."

Vanguard's eyes widened, the weight of the revelation hitting him like a truck. "Scarlet Destiny? You're telling me we've been working with her all this time?"

"Yes," Banshee confirmed. "I don't know how, but she's been hiding right under our noses. The question is... why? Why help us when she's spent years trying to destroy us?"

Vanguard rubbed his chin, processing the information. "We need to be careful. If she's playing a long game, this could be bigger than we realize. We can't tip her off until we know for sure what she's planning."

Banshee nodded. "Agreed. But we can't wait too long either. Von Blood is still out there, and if she's working with him, we're in serious trouble."

The two heroes shared a look of understanding. The stakes had just been raised, and the trust they had in their new ally had crumbled to dust. But Scarlet—Light-Speed—had been clever so far. Whatever her motives, they were sure to be deeply hidden.

As Banshee left the Tower, her mind raced. She knew they couldn't confront Scarlet directly, not yet. They needed more information, more evidence. But one thing was certain—whatever Scarlet Destiny's plans were, Banshee would be ready for her.
And soon, so would the rest of the team.

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