Chapter 5: Shadows of solitude

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Months had passed since Scarlet Destiny was imprisoned in the tower of the heroes. She spent her days in silence, isolated in her cell high above the city, where she could watch the world below through a small window. The once-feared villain now seemed consumed by a deep sadness, her former menace replaced by quiet desolation. She never attempted to escape, never caused any disturbances. Instead, she read her books, retreating into the pages as if they offered an escape that her reality no longer could.

The nearby cells were filled with villains who had long since accepted their fates but were far less peaceful. They sneered and jeered at Scarlet, mocking her supposed "betrayal" of their shared villainy. Some threatened that once they escaped, they'd make her pay for turning her back on their ways. But Scarlet remained indifferent, unmoved by their words. She simply turned another page of her book, the noise of her fellow inmates becoming little more than background noise.

One day, Banshee, cloaked in her usual mystery, came to Scarlet's cell. She had questions, not out of distrust, but out of genuine curiosity. What had caused such a drastic change in Scarlet? 

Why had she turned away from the path of villainy? Banshee stood at the entrance, observing the former villain, who was sitting with her back turned, reading as always.

"Scarlet," Banshee began softly, her voice echoing in the quiet chamber. "I want to understand. Why? Why the change? Why turn away from everything you once believed in?"

Scarlet didn't respond. She continued reading, her shoulders tense but unmoving, as if the words in her book were far more important than anything Banshee could say. The silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken words. Banshee sighed, knowing that perhaps today wouldn't bring the answers she sought.

She left, leaving Scarlet alone once more, still reading her book with her back to the world.

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