Chapter 4 - Unmasking the scarlet lie

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A few days had passed since Banshee confirmed Light-Speed's true identity as Scarlet Destiny. 

The revelation had weighed heavily on her, but she knew what had to be done. She couldn't let someone as dangerous as Scarlet walk free within their ranks. It was time to expose her.

That evening, Banshee called an emergency meeting in the Tower of Heroes. Everyone was present—Vanguard, Light Strike, the remaining core members of the team, and of course, Light-Speed, unaware of what was about to happen. The room was tense, the air thick with anticipation.

Banshee stood at the front, her eyes locked on Light-Speed. "We need to talk about something crucial," she began, her voice firm. "There's been a grave deception among us."

Light-Speed's eyes narrowed slightly, but he remained silent, still as a statue. The other heroes exchanged confused glances, but Banshee's next words shattered the air.

"Light-Speed is not who he claims to be. He is none other than Scarlet Destiny."

The room erupted into chaos. Gasps and whispers filled the space, and Light-Speed—or rather, Scarlet—stayed motionless, shock flashing across her face. Banshee took a step closer, her fists clenched. "I know who you are, Scarlet. You thought you could fool us, but I won't let you get away with it."

Before Scarlet could react, Vanguard and Light Strike leaped into action, restraining her and pinning her against a wall. She didn't struggle, though her face was a mix of confusion and pain.

"What is this about?" Scarlet finally spoke, her voice trembling, yet not with fear—more with disbelief. "I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just wanted to leave that part of my life behind."

Banshee crossed her arms, glaring. "Leave it behind? You think we're just going to accept that? You've terrorized this city for years! You nearly destroyed Wolf—and now, you waltz in here pretending to be a hero?"

Scarlet shook her head, looking desperately at the group. "You don't understand. I've changed. After Wolf died, something shifted in me. I didn't want to be that person anymore. I thought if I could help—if I could atone—"

"Atone?" Vanguard growled. "You expect us to believe that? After all the chaos you caused?"

The others remained silent, their gazes hard, their trust shattered. Even Light Strike, usually the most easygoing of the group, looked conflicted. None of them seemed ready to believe her. To accept that someone so deeply entwined with their darkest battles could ever change.

But Scarlet's face was sincere. "Yes! I swear, I've given up that life. I was tired of running, tired of hurting people. After Wolf's death... something broke inside me. I realized I didn't want to be a villain anymore. I just wanted to make things right."

Banshee's heart twisted. She could sense some truth in Scarlet's words, but her mind wouldn't let go of the past, of the countless times Scarlet had fight them. "Why should we trust you? How do we know this isn't just another one of your tricks?"

Scarlet looked at each of them, her eyes filled with regret. "I don't expect you to trust me. But I swear... I didn't come here to deceive anyone. I came here because I wanted to honor what Wolf stood for. He... he was the only one who ever saw through my masks, and he fought me because he believed I could do better. I didn't believe him at the time, but after he died, I... I realized he was right."

The room fell silent. Banshee's resolve wavered. Could she be telling the truth? Could a villain as cunning as Scarlet Destiny truly change?

But even as Banshee processed Scarlet's words, doubt lingered. The pain of the past, the fights, the lives that had been destroyed because of Scarlet—they were not so easily forgotten. "You want us to believe that Wolf's death changed you? That you've turned over a new leaf because of him?"

Scarlet nodded. "Yes. I've been helping. I gave you that lead on Von Blood. I've been working quietly to take down the very kind of people I used to work with. You can hate me all you want, but I didn't come here to hurt anyone."

The group remained silent, their faces filled with skepticism. No one moved. No one spoke. Finally, it was Vanguard who broke the silence. "You say you want to atone. But what if we don't let you? What if we lock you up right here, right now?"

Scarlet swallowed, her voice steady but quiet. "Then so be it. If that's what you need to do. I won't fight you."

The room was still tense, but now a sense of uncertainty hung in the air. Banshee looked at Vanguard, then at the others. The decision wasn't clear-cut. Trust was a fragile thing, and with Scarlet Destiny in their midst, it had been shattered. But there was something in her words—something Banshee couldn't quite shake. Could they truly deny someone a chance at redemption?

But for now, none of them were ready to take that leap. Suspicion still clouded the room, and no one was willing to forgive her just yet.

The next steps would be slow, calculated, and full of doubt. But for the moment, Scarlet was no longer the hidden villain in their ranks. She had been exposed. Now, it was up to them to decide what to do next.

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