The music had started; partners took each other by the arm and began to dance along - even the guys from Damon's group had found someone to dance with - yet Damon and G. stood together quite awkwardly not moving a step, just being twitchy with their hands and feet.
D - "So.. Could I take this dance..?"
He'd offer his hand to G. The chances of success here were high and low at the same time and this could be thrilling or really awkward.
G.'s face flushed at Damon offering her his hand, so much that she froze up and took a moment to decide if she should take it or not. After all she was obsessed with him.
G - "Yeah.. we can dance I guess.."
That was the best she could get out I completely regretted her tone, yet Damon still seemed quite happy and as G. took his hand, he led her to the dance floor.
They'd find themselves twirling and continuesly stepping on eachother toes, yet this was all just a bit of fun, no matter how bad they were they seemed to be having the time of their lives. Eventually they'd find themselves in the middle of the dance floor as the sing came to an end, their bodies almost right up against eachother. They receive these awkward and embarrassed smile from one and other before stepping away and giving eachother space. In this exact moment, G. received a tap on the shoulder from another person.
?? - "May I have this next dance?"