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We make our way through the crowd, making our way back stage again. The show was so amazing and wow, I can't even explain it. They sang Act My Age and Niall was dancing right in front of me, which was awesome. When I was little, I used to Irish Dance, so I may have took advantage of that during the song and I made Niall crack up from the stage. I am never doing that again.

We get backstage finally and walk into the room with shirtless and sweaty One Direction.

"It smells like a damn boys locker room in here." I joke around, but it really does smell bad. The spray on some body spray and put on new shirts.

"How'd you like it?" Harry asks, all giddy from the show.

"Physically, I'm okay. Emotionally, I'm bruised." I say and he laughs.

"Me too." He says."I had a rough time up there."

"Well, you did basically fly across the stage and eat shit. It's already trending world wide." I tell him and his eyes widen. This is the first I'm actually able to talk to him. He takes out his phone and looks at it.

"I'm such a mess." He laughs, throwing his head back.

"Babe, we got to get to the bus." Louis says, coming up behind Harry. Harry eyes widen at Louis and he turns to me. Babe babe babe babe.

"I'll see you later tonight at the hotel." Harry smiles. Louis waves goodbye and they turn to go out the door, Harry's arm draping over Louis' shoulders again.

"If you were wondering, yes. They are together." Niall comes up behind me, drinking water.

"Really?" I smile and I feel like a little kid waking up on Christmas morning.

"Yeah," He nods. "You can not tell anyone, or we can all get in big big trouble." He points at me.

"I've got no one to tell." I cross my heart and he smiles.

"I knew I'd like you." He nudged me. "Lets be best friends." His eyes light up.

"Sounds great to me." I smile.

"Cheers to best friends!" Niall throws his arm over my shoulders, holding me close. I swear he's 5.

"Niall, get off the poor girl. We've got to leave now." Liam says, walking over coming back from his conversation with Luke,

"Are you riding with us?" Niall asks.

"Yes, she is. Leave her alone Niall. You're acting like a clingy five year old." Liam says and Niall lets go of me and makes his distance.

"I'm sorry." Niall says with sad eyes and I nearly start crying, and that makes me wonder what goes on between the group that no one sees.

"It's okay Niall." I give him a reassuring smile. Luke then walks over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, kissing the top of my head.

We soon leave the venue, Niall, Liam, Luke, and I all pile into the black escalade and make our way through traffic to the hotel. I have a huge headache right now and my throat is super dry.

"Does anyone have any water?" I ask. Without a word, Niall hands me a half empty water bottle from the front. "Thanks." I open the water and chug it down. I offer Luke some water, but he shrugs it off and looks out the window.

I grab his hand that's on his lap and start playing with his long fingers. I lay my head on his shoulder and he turns his head and looks down at me with tired eyes.

"You alright?" I ask him.

"Just tired." He mumbles and lays his head on mine.

"Why aren't we going home then?" I ask. "Luke, your car is still there." I tell him.

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