Humpty Dumpty

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Humpty Dumpty is a very simple nursery rhyme which most of us learnt in pre-school. Unfortunately, an incident which happened in Math class made us realise that we may not actually remember it...

It was math class. As we had nothing to do, Mrs Chan started playing a random game. We had to send out a person which matched her adjective.

The last question we had was about the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty!

"Send out the person with the largest memory!" Mrs Chan declared.

Sarah, Rae, Chensy, Dylan and Talia were sent out. "Humpty Dunpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall... What are the next two lines?" Mrs Chan asked her question.

Everyone in the class was stumped.

Eventually, Sarah wrote:
And All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty back again together

Rae wrote:
And all the king's______

Chensy wrote:
And all the king's horses
And all the king's men

Dylan wrote:
And all the king's horses
And all the king's men
Could put Humpty together again

Talia wrote:
And all the soldiers and horses
Couldn't put Humpty together again

Mrs Chan looked at the things they had written and face-palmed. Just then, Mrs Lim walked in to make an announcement about supp class.

"Mrs Lim, look at what they wrote!" Mrs Chan said, exasperated. Mrs Chan repeats the question she had asked.

"Please bring your Rosyth paper, tenses worksheet, and PSLE 2013 paper," Mrs Lim makes her announcement first before turning back to Mrs Chan.

"You're their English teacher?!" Mrs Chan asked.

"Yes, but I'm not their nursery English teacher!" Mrs Lim protested and walked out of the classroom.


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