Chapter 7

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This is for teenwolf_lover124. You wanted me to update on my book so I did, this chapter may be short. Sorry, but I hope you like it.

Murphy & Alyssa's Date

We both left and we entered the elevator and we got to the last floor and walked out. 

"You don't mind walking do you?" Murphy said

"No I don't mind. It's beautiful out tonight. I don't mind it at all. " I said and he nodded

We began walking, we walked for about a couple of minutes we got to a nice restaurant. We went in and walked up to the host and asked him for a table for two and as showed us to our table. He pulled out my chair and I sat down and then Murphy took his seat. He then gave us our menus and said he'll send the waiter over to us. 

"Hi, my name's Mark and I'll be your waitress for this evening." He said

"Hi." I said

"Hi." Murphy said

"Are you ready to order?" He said

"Umm no I'm not." I said feeling bad

"That's okay, I'll come back." Mark said and he left to give us time

"Can't figure out what to eat?" He said

"No I can't it all looks so good." I said smiling

"What do you like?" He said

"Um well there's the chicken parmigiana, spaghetti and meatballs and there's the chicken Alfredo." I said

"What haven't you eaten?" He said

"I haven't tried the chicken parmigiana. I'll order that. What are you going to get?" I said

"I'll just get the steak and potatoes." He said

Then we waved the waiter over and he came back

"Ready to order." Mark said

"Yes, I'll have the chicken parmigiana." I said

He nodded and he wrote it down.

"I'll have the steak and potatoes." Murphy said and he wrote that down too

"Okay I'll be right back." Mark said and he left

We waited about 20 minutes, while we waited me and Murphy talked about a lot of stuff. I loved talking to Murphy about anything.

"So Murphy what do you like about Boston?" I said

"Well I don't know, but I can tell you what I do like in Boston." He said

"Yeah and what's that?" I said smiling resting my elbows on the table with chin in y hands

"I like you, I hardly noticed you here in Boston, the day at the diner was the first time I seen you and I thought to myself you are the most beautiful person I seen." He said making me blush

"I know but I always saw you around. I like you too Murphy." I said he smiled

"So you're becoming a nurse?" He said

"Yes I am, but I still have more classes to go." I said

"I bet." He said

"So you and Connor are identical twins or fraternal twins?" I said

"Uh fraternal twins." He said

"That's awesome you guys are twins." I said

"It is a little bit." He said

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