Two years later.

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Two years later.

Graduation had come and passed, and with it went the small town i had grown to hate. I had started college in Florida far away from my old home. My first year i had got a job offer and began working as a strategist for a big marketing company while still taking classes to get my degree. I hadn't spoken to anyone since graduation, and i had even made some new friends. Being in the office required me to look business like, but i still got to keep my dark blood red hair, and even get the tattoos i had dreamed of getting for ages. Everything was working out for me. I was a single mother to a ying yang looking husky, and i had a 2 bedroom apartment right on the beach. I could sleep with no nightmares and no thoughts of why. I had come to the conclusion that i was just lucky. Something always nagged me in the back of my mind that wasn't the case but i had more important things to worry myself about now. I was turning twenty soon, and my friends wanted to go clubbing. I wouldn't call myself antisocial but i hate people....okay I am antisocial, but this wasn't my plan to spend my birthday around people i didn't even know. Hopefully i could talk them out of it....

~The Birthday~

Looking in the mirror, and getting ready to go clubbing *Sigh* i realized that i begun to have that same feeling in the pit of my gut that i had...that night. Looking at myself in the mirror, i shook my hand and dismissed the thoughts that something like that could happen to a person twice.

When we entered the club, i immediately sought out a drink. Something to make this night seem like it could actually turn out fun. A drink turned into several that night, and as disappointed in myself i was i began to actually have fun. Dancing with my friends, doing some fun shots, and even meeting a mysterious guy who had the sexiest accent. He had dark shaggy hair that hid his eyes from immediate view, and he was much taller than me at my 5,5 height. He had muscle in all the right places, but not too much. He was a gentleman from what i could tell, and his eyes were like windows to this other world that would just suck me in and save me from everything.  His name was Jaxon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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