Wake up.

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A poem for the ones I admire<3

Oh the cages around my self
I willingly entrap myself
In your glimmer
Your aquarium
Your -soul-
Like a leaf from a fallen tree,
You pass and I stare.
Into your radiant glow
I'm blind to whatever flaw you see in yourself, for all I see is fortune
A statue, Greek god/goddess I'm
One I reach up to in faith
I overlook any wrong doing and past mistake you've made, and see the glimpse of our past, something I want again.
I want to hold you, tell you it's alright, make you feel handsome/ beautiful again. Make you see it how it should be, because you're truly a masterpiece, one of someone incredible. You're a once in a lifetime sight, a glimmering dagger in my hands, beautiful but painful.
I am distraught, of any possibility of you taking my form of Love and admiration into your heart, or will you bring fate of hurt and sorrow?
-M.M.(me btw)

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