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The morning sun filtered through the tall windows of the meeting room, casting soft rays over the group assembled around the large table. Taehyung, seated confidently near Jungkook, had been his usual charming self, briefing the team on their next moves with a casual ease that belied the seriousness of the situation. Everyone listened attentively, as always, hanging on to his every word.

Jungkook, however, barely heard any of it. His mind was elsewhere, locked in the same quiet turmoil it had been for weeks now—his growing feelings for Taehyung.

It wasn’t the first time he’d found himself in this predicament, stealing glances at the man who had become more than just his right hand.

But no matter how much he tried to push those feelings aside, they refused to fade. Every joke, every smile, every teasing comment from Taehyung only made Jungkook fall harder.

He sat silently, trying to keep his expression neutral as Taehyung continued to speak. Then, in the midst of their usual discussions, Taehyung dropped a casual bombshell that sent Jungkook’s heart plummeting.

“So, by the way,” Taehyung began, leaning back in his chair with a relaxed smile, “I’m heading home for two weeks starting tomorrow. I haven’t seen my family in a while, and they’ve been bugging me to visit. Figured now’s a good time.”

The room buzzed with congratulations, the other members immediately chiming in with comments about how much Taehyung deserved a break. Some even suggested places he could visit while at home, laughter and good-natured teasing filling the space.

But Jungkook couldn’t hear any of it. All he could focus on was the sudden, heavy weight settling in his chest. Two weeks? Without Taehyung? The thought hit him like a blow, one he hadn’t seen coming. How was he supposed to manage without him?

Taehyung wasn’t just his right-hand man; he was the one constant in his chaotic world, the one person who brought a strange sense of peace to his otherwise turbulent life.

And now, he was leaving.

The sour mood overtook Jungkook almost immediately. While everyone else was smiling and clapping Taehyung on the back, congratulating him on his time off, Jungkook’s jaw tightened. He couldn’t even fake a smile.

The frustration and confusion that had been building up inside him for weeks boiled over in a single moment of quiet defeat.

Without a word, Jungkook pushed back his chair and stood up, drawing a few curious glances from the team. He didn’t care to explain himself.

All he knew was that he needed to get out of there—away from the laughter, away from Taehyung’s oblivious smile, away from the sinking feeling that had taken root in his chest.

He left the meeting room in silence, his heart thudding in his chest as he made his way down the hall and toward his private quarters. As soon as the door clicked shut behind him, he let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, pacing the room as his emotions swirled. This wasn’t like him—he was always in control, always composed. But when it came to Taehyung, all of that seemed to fall apart.

How was he supposed to go two whole weeks without seeing Taehyung? Without hearing his voice or having him close by? The thought left a hollow ache in Jungkook’s chest, one he didn’t know how to handle. He had spent months burying his feelings, convincing himself he could keep everything professional.

But with Taehyung gone, there would be nothing to distract him from the gaping void his absence would leave behind.

Jungkook sat down on the edge of his bed, his hands clasped tightly together. He stared blankly at the floor, trying to figure out what exactly was happening to him.

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