Chapter 9

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{The next day}

"Bwo?! There's a party happening today?" Jae asked as she entered the big guest room that was being decorated and set up.

"Uncle wanted to hold a celebration party for his company Sang Jae, we're invited of course but you don't have to attend if you don't want to" Jiwon told her daughter as she sampled some of the food that was going to be served tonight.

"But I haven't even seen uncle yet... Excuse me, can I help you with that?" Jae said while walking over to the people who were decorating and offering her help.

"Of course he'll be here, what's a party without its host?" someone answered. Jae stopped at what she was doing and quickly turned around to the voice being said. "Annyeong Sang Jae" the man said to her with the brightest smile.

Jae ran up to the man and hugged him dearly "Sooman Uncle, it's so good to see you doing well! I missed you" Jae said to her loving uncle.

"My my Sang Jae, you have grown over the years" Her uncle said to her getting a good look at her. "Not only her appearance but her attitude as well brother, she's a woman now" Jiwon added in pinching his daughter cheek.

"I noticed you were helping prepare for my celebration tonight, are you staying for it? Taemin and his group members will be here Sang Jae, they are looking forward to see you." Sooman asked his niece. Jae nodded to her uncle"Of course I will uncle and also, I haven't seen Taemin oppa or the other members yet"

"Well stop doing that my child and go and get yourself ready for tonight, a lot of people will be here and I'm going to introduce you to them all" Sooman hurried Jae into getting ready "Ne, Ne I will go uncle, bye bye" Jae said leaving the room

"Oh and also did appa talk to you about a friend of mine who is going to be staying with me for a little while uncle? Umm... can she come as well? I have to pick her up now" Jae asked her uncle before leaving the room.

Sooman smiled and nodded "Yes, your father explained to me what happened and she's welcomed to come along Sang Jae" Jae gave her uncle one last hug before leaving to pick up her best friend from the airport.


"Omg Haze!! Christian is literally going to be dead when we go back! Mmmm, how you holding up?" Jae hugged her best friend when she picked her up with her driver.

"I am actually doing great Jae! Uhh, I did a lot of thinking on the way here and yeah I just decided to just leave it and go past it, it happened once before so I can easily move pass it again, right?" Hazel explained.

"Yeah, it did hurt me at first but then I thought why would I waste my time, energy and tears over someone who can't stick to one person you know... relationships are meant for two people, but I think he doesn't know how to count!" Hazel said more earning laughs from the both of them.

"Aww, but as long as you're okay, that's all that matters to me Haze... but he's still getting it when we head back!" Jae comforted her best friend as they rode off into the highway.

"I should be like you who doesn't worry about of this kind of stuff and stick to my studies" Hazel said

"Because of you I am now wanting to try those kinds of stuff" Jae exclaimed to Hazel."Hahaha! Sorry Jae... but wait. Did you meet someone? Who? Is he hot? Does he make you want to just jump on him an-

"Wooaahhhh, not that extreme and no... th- there's no one... I didn't meet anyone..."Jae interrupted Hazel. Hazel watched her and knew she was lying because whenever she tries to, she starts to stutter. Jae changed the subject and explained to Hazel what was going to be happening at where they were staying and also that her uncle said she was welcome to tag along.

{Back at the mansion}

Errr... what am I going to wear? There's like going to be lots of people here tonight...and not just any people... idols and business people and god knows! Jae thought to herself while looking through her clothes

"Nope... nope... too casual... nope... shows too much... arrgghh! I don't have anything to wear!" Jae said in frustration.

Hazel was wondering around the room, amazed at how big and beautiful it was. "Umm Jae, what did you say your uncle was?" - Hazel

"He's a big entertainment company owner... Haze what are we going to wear tonight!" ¬Jae said still looking for a good outfit. Hazel pulled out one of her big suitcases and handed a few dresses to Jae to try on.

"Here try on some of these, you might like them and I know for a fact that they would look good on you" Hazel said "But what are you going to wear Haze? Jae asked.

"Don't worry about me Jae, just get yourself dressed up, I always have something to wear don't I?" Hazel said. Jae just shrugged her off because she knew that her best friend was a bit of a fashionista and always knew what style to wear.

Jae tried on each dress until she slipped on a white dress that was long and beautiful. Jae stood in front of the mirror to see how she looked in it. She turned to Hazel who just walked out of the bathroom to have a shower.

*Gasp* "Jae, you are wearing that tonight whether you like it or not" Hazel said demanding making Jae roll her eyes. They both started to get ready, doing each other's hair and makeup.

*Knock Knock* The door opened and Jae's mother had walked in "Omo... you girl's look so wonderful! Just letting you two know that the guests have already arrived so make your way down when you're ready. Gosh, I need to take a photo of you two dressed up beautifully like this, meet me at the garden later, arraso?" Rae (Jae's Mum) said to them. The two girls nodded to her request and finished off the last tops offs with the help from Rae.

Jiwon and Sooman came to check up on the two and were astonished to find such beauty. "Waaahh so beautiful my niece... oh you must be Hazel, nice to meet you. I hear you are currently studying the same courses as Jae?" He asked when he approached them.

The two immediately bowed to him while Jae introduced Hazel to her uncle and telling him a little bit about her. Things such as how they met, how close they became, what they do and stuff. Sooman was please to meet Hazel and told her that she was welcomed anytime she would like to come by.

"Well then, shall we head down stairs now?" Sooman said as he held both of his arms out to escort the two young ladies out while Jae's dad did the same to her mum. The five of them headed downstairs towards the room where everyone was gathered. They approached the two huge doors that were then opened for them as they went closer.

They entered the room and most of the attention went on them. The feeling of it for Jae and Hazel were like they were royalty or celebrities. They both looked at each other from each end feeling nervous that so many eyes were on them. Sooman noticed this and laughed "No need to be so tense girls, just hold on to me and smile"

With him saying that they did exactly what he said and followed his lead while smiling at everyone they had past. Hmm, I don't see him anywhere...  Jae thought to herself as she looked for her cousin.

They walked through the crowd towards the little stage for Sooman to make a little speech to everyone. He thanked everyone for attending the party and said a few words for their hard work everyone had displayed.

Sooman was just about to end his talk when he suddenly looked at me, Hazel and my parents "Also I would like to introduce to you all to my eldest brother and his loving family and friend. Please take care of them, for they will be here for a while on holidays... food will be served shortly and also performances from some of our talented artists, until then enjoy the rest of your night" He finished with an applause and made his way over to Jae and the rest of them where standing.

He noticed how tensed Hazel and Jae were again "Enjoy this night girls... look there's food, drinks, wine anything you want, it's yours..." He said while leaving with Jae's parents.

"Come one let's just go get something to drink, I'm in need of one" Hazel said heading towards the side bar.

- If you where wondering what kind of out fit Sang Jae and Hazel were wearing I imagined them like the ones in the photo's at the start... hehe :)

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